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Predator Tri Hulls


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Hi Guys,

I was browsing through boats for sale last night and a dealer in Brisbane has a 2009 Predator Rav 16 for sale. I thought that Predator Tri Hulls had gone out of business years ago, does anyone know if they are still in production?



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Predator finished up in 2009 :( so it would be one of the last made . The mono hulls are Awesome boats in the ocean.

Cheers Dogtooth .... :1fishing1: John... :beersmile:

Yeah predator boats closed down in 2009 not from lack of workmanship or orders, but from the 2 owners going seperate ways, one of the owners is operating out of ulladulla, under a new name though.... The monos are excellent sea boats built tough, i love my 7m hardtop.... anybody else got a predator?

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Hi Jiggy, you are looking at a boat made by Coxcraft that we used to sell under the previous owner who has sold out to a compnay making them offshore. I am still to decide if we are to continue to sell them and the Rav 1600 is an interesting boat and the one for sale will be the first one they made and runs a catherdal hull. I imagine they are trying to sell without an engine and if the prcie is right they are a good hull from the reports for the old and new owners. Contact me and i can give you an idea of the cost of a new hull and you can decide if it worth while and something like a clean tec 75HP would be ideal on it.



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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies and the info, very much appreciated. Yes your spot on Huey, hull only is for sale. I used to have a predator 4.3 and thought that the company had become defunct years ago. I thought the 4.3 was great and loved it, if I know the RAV's were around a few years back I may have gotten one of them instead of a Viking; unlikely that I would trade down to one now though.

Shame about the Predator guys splitting up they made some of the best custom boats you could get. Not pretty but very solid and reliable boats.



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