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The Best Land Based Fishing Tool Ever, The Bait Boat


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Ever heard of a bait boat? It's a remote control boat that takes your berley out and drops it where you want, it also carries your baited hook out and can drop that where you want it



This remarkable bait boat has been developed over a number of years to give the best facilities and performance of any boat on the market for a fraction of the costs. Electromagnetic failsafe release mechanism and independent hook release features make this the most advanced and effective bait boat ever made. With a host of advanced features it is hard to find a better bait boat at any price level.
  • Twin independent hoppers with patented hopper release system.
  • Excellent for all baits including particles.
  • Twin independent rig holders with patented hook release system.
  • Stainless steel weed guards
  • 10 ultra high intensity LED’s
  • Tri coloured battery meter
  • Remote Lighting control
  • All lights can be operated from the hand set
  • Range 500 to 1000m depending upon environmental conditions.
  • 2hrs+ Running time at max speed
  • Supplied complete with charger.

instructional video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBSA0XpwHxg

boat being set up and used -

Seriously that is just insane, each berley hopper can hold 2.5kg, so you could drop 2.5kg and one rig in one spot up to a kilometer away, and another bait and berley pool 1km in the other direction! They also make a wireless fish finder for it that works up to 400m away, so you can find and target your fish from shore!

You gotta hand it to those crazy British/European carp fishermen they come up with some cracker idea's!

Edited by Gremlin
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Mate I gotta say, that is hilarious but unreal.

What else can you say about that.

Imagine lugging that thing down a cliff with the

controller and all your usual gear.

Could get a cheap dinghy at that price.

:074: I know mate! It's just hilarious how seriously those brits take their carp fishing to come up with stuff like this!

they actually have shelters to sit and sleep by the bank camouflaged and line devices with an alarm to wake them up when they get a bite etc, with the price they pay for all this stuff they could come here for a month and catch a tonne of carp with a $20 chain store special fishing rod and a loaf of bread!

seriously check out the stuff http://www.anglingcentre.net/acatalog/Carp_ind.html

(if the mods dont like me linking to this feel free to remove it guys)

Edited by Gremlin
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Anyone got a remote controlled boat? I saw a youtube clip where a guy tied some line & a lure to the back of it & he motored it slowly around the lagoon & sure enough a fish got hooked! He kept trying till a big fish eventually hooked up & sunk the boat! :wacko: It was so funny!

The affluent poms don't mind spending that sort of money on their fishing gear - as it is they can pay many thousands of pounds just to access a small part of a trout/salmon river with no guarantee that they will even catch a fish! :1yikes:


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what a rip off... i have used a rc boat from 3bay like 70$ and made up a downligger release peg for the line release... all i did was putt it out then full power would release sinker with bait, works well untill the boat runs out of batterys 200m of shore, RIP baitsetter!! :ranting2:

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