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Squid Do It To Me Again


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Last night about 8 - 9 pm,

Turned up to the local wharf, in search of some squid.

Water depth was about 1.0 metre.

I was watching 4 squid under the wharf's light not taking any notice of my squid jigs ... ...

I threw cheap jigs at them, in blue, pink and green in 2.0 and yozuris 1.8's in green and orange and they did not even follow.

Varied retrieve to super slow, twitches and fast but it did not make any difference.

Any tips ?


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Scent for sure, egimax is expensive stuff but i reckon it works wonders.

Also try changing your action as well as working different depths. Also try dropping down leader size or going to a clear fluro carbon.

Edited by fishlexic
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sometimes the squid dont want a bar of whatever you throw at them! I had the same problem last night, could see heaps of squid following the jigs but just wouldnt take any of them, it was only until i got over trying and sat of the wharf with my line dangling in the water while waiting for my mate that i actually hooked one! thats fishing i suppose

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