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Fish Consumption.


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i think there was a post about this few weeks back somone had actually contacted the fisheries about the fish in botany and so far they have expressed no concerns about the fish in botany however harbour fish i think the levels have gone down slightly but still 1 per week i think was ok? cant really confirm this on harbour fish as i rarely fish the harbour as botany is just easier for me and closer but yeh from what was found out botany seems to be A'Ok

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As far as the fish being caught in certain areas, i still work on the theory that only fish that are territorial should come into this category. Remember, most bread and butter fish "migrate" to some extent. The bream or blackfish that you may catch next month or so in the, say, Balmain area, may well have been the fish you nearly hooked off the rocks at Manly in November. They quite often move into the estuaries in the cooler months to spawn, then back out again. This is why certain fish are found in certain places at certain times of the year. Not saying that you can't for instance get blackfish off the rocks in Autumn/Winter but it's a lot harder work. Mate and I fished a well known spot on Sunday off the rocks, ideal conditions, 3 hours - 3 fish.

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