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Cleaning Tiagra's

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Hi folks,

I was reading through another post and read a comment by slinky regarding lightly hosing overhead reels with fresh water and the comment which caught my attention was with the drag done up, MOST BUT NOT ALL. I only ask, because I know some guys who spray their Tiagras with the drag in free spool and the clicker on. I was under the impression that they should be lightly sprayed with fresh water, drag on. I was wondering if anyone on the forum had an opinion?

I generally clean my overheads with drag on, light spray of fresh water and a wipe over with INOX. Thanks.... Dave

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G'day Croyden,

I don't know Tiagras well but from what I've seen in some of Alan Tani's rebuilds, Tiagras have a rubber gasket that seals the drag chamber when the reel is in gear so they should be rinsed with the drag on.

Tiagra 16 showing the rubber gasket seal that engages when the reel is in gear (pic from a Tiagra 16 thanks to Alan Tani)...


Some reels, like this pic of a Penn 975LD, have a situation where, when the drag is pushed forward, a gap is created between the drag pressure plate and drag cover... these reels should be rinsed in freespool

Penn 975LD showing the gap created between the drag plate and cover when drag is engaged (thanks again to Alan for the pic)...


Cheers, Slinky

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I have several Tiagras all over 12 years old and after each trip I put the drag to strike and lightly hose the reels.

Then with warm soapy water I use a tooth brush for the driven in salt and flick it out.Around the lever drag and harness lugs and reel seat.

Dry with a soft cloth and spray with inox.

Each year before I retire them for the season I take the end plates off and make sure no salt is among the ratchet/anti reverse

and lightly grease all parts.Check the 4 screws holding the ratchet plate are tight as they can come loose (I found out the hard way once, reel jammed, lost fish.)

When I reassemble the reel I grease where the harness lugs are-stainless steel against aluminium.

And also put a dab of grease into the holes the side plate screws go into. I then fill the holes with marine grease after the screws are tight. This lessens salt reaction between the screws and the aluminium.Wipe down with soft cloth and rub the excess marine grease over the whole reel.Ready for next season. I also rub vasaline around the spool before spooling the reel to lessen the chance of salt reacting against the spool when driven in through a fight.

Cheers Rowan

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Thanks guys the replies are much appreciated. I've just bought a couple of second hand Tiagra 50w's which appear to be working well but it would be great to strip them down and know all is well. Thanks again for your time guys..


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