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Another Fisho Off The Rocks At Avoca

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, I was getting a coffee from the kiosk at Avoca this morning and while waiting I strolled around to the first set of rocks, here I was greeted by a fisho yelling " fisherman in ", I quickly ran back to the surf club, alerted the chaps on the beach and within seconds the jetski was deployed, 2 mins later it is back on the beach with the fisho on the skid board behind the jetski. It all happened so quickly the chap was about 100 from the rocks when he was picked up, the club guys went like greased lightning, he owes them big time.

Anyway all turned out good, but gee guys take a look at the swell and conditions, a small noreast wind swell at Avoca can be deadly, might only be a small swell but it thumps face on to the ledge and before you know you are in the drink, there is no way I would go around there today , too rough for me...

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well done ray :) i was there yesterday and the north easterly was smashing the ledge i managed 3 casts before i gave up as the conditions were just too intense but least now i know "north east wind @ Avoca = bad", im used to running away in southerly winds as down here southerly's do the damage :/

Good to hear the fisho survived, I've also noticed a few sharks going up n down the ledge yesturday.

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I'm not the hero I merely alerted the surf patrol guys, they are the hero's , the speed in which the jetski was launched was amazing, they are the ones that deserve the praise as I did give to them when I saw them back at the surfclub, I just happened to be at the rocks when the his mate called out to me..

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Good work Ray. You may just have made the difference between this guy talking about it tomorrow.

I've fished Avoca for years, and spoken to you a few times Ray, and unfortunately people just DON'T get it. I'm yet to see a fish worth going for a swim for. You never fish a head-on swell. If you're at Avo, there's 4 other ledges facing various direction that you can go to, within 10 minutes drive. Some days, you're better off going home regardless..

I'm getting a bit sick of hearing of fisho's going in, and I'll tell you why. No matter where I go, all I see is idiots. Thongs, work boots, drinking, mucking around, not fishing with suitable gear, NOT WATCHING the swells... It's all just asking for it. I speak to a lot of fishos while I'm out, of various experiences, and one thing I always stress is to get some decent footwear.

The ledge I fish, I know pretty damn well. Just since this December gone, I've been out there up to 4 times a week. I know how the swells swing when they come in, and I know where they kick up. But you know what, even I get caught off guard.

3 weekends ago, I was out with a mate. The swells were decent, but consistent, and fishable. After a couple of hours, a swell came in right behind one that had just started to receed. It became on, and it just stood up. We couldn't even see the horizon. My mate's legs were taken out from under him, and he collected me. We were thrown across the rocks and finished up about a metre from the banacle encrusted ledge. I gashed my elbow, took a chunk out of my knuckles (through gloves!), and took two chunks from my knee. My mate lost all the skin from his forearm, gashed the palm of his hand on a barny, and sliced his calf. One busted reel, one broken rod, and some big black and blue bruises. I've still got the cuts 3 weeks on.

There are education campaigns on, and I'm sure they're helping, but unfortunately catching fish is more important to some than their own safety.

I'm sorry my first post is such a serious one, but I feel so strongly about rock safety/inexperienced fishos, this just blows my top.

Well done again Ray, I'm glad to read that you were out there.

- Andrew.

Thanks Andrew for describing the outcome. You are right in saying that this is NOT an area for the inexperienced.


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Thanks Andrew for describing the outcome. You are right in saying that this is NOT an area for the inexperienced.


To be honest most rock ledges are dangerous and i wouldnt recommend going to ANY rock ledges with out the proper footwear at least! and people who dont have the "minimum" requirements shouldn't be on a rock ledge fishing, i even got taken down at avoca on sunday and i was wearing my spiked rock fishn boots i wouldn't say im inexperienced but one foot off place sent me 3-4 metres backwards and almost lost my rod/reel, it happens a fair bit and lately its been pretty unpredictable at Avoca.

needless to say i pretty much stoped fishing after that as did a few other raiders.

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