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My First Legal King


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Hey Guys. Went out Sunday morning from tunks park boat ramp at day break. Didn't have to travel far to get to the spot where i have seen kings caught. Saw one of the regulars there trying his luck at getting some yakkas. So i joined him with my hand line tried for about 20 mins no luck for the yakkas they did'nt want it. Had my frozen pillies and squid as back up if i needed it. Tried a bit longer and landed a tailor which i promptly hooked up and put him over the side and went back to trying to get some more of them with my hand line. Not more than 5 mins passed when i look over and see the rod fold over and hear that beautiful sound that every fisho likes to hear bzzzzzzzz thumbup.gif screams the real. Line starts to race out i grab hold and start to try and get line back. Everytime i thought i was getting line back he would dive and take even more out this went on for what seemed like forever but in reality only lasted about 3-4mins. I was starting to win the battle only to find the bugger got himself tangled on my anchor rope and i was pulling it up as well. Now i want you to try and picture this your on the boat alone rod in one hand net in the other kingy thrashing around on surface tangled on your anchor rope now i had a dilema. Tried to net him but rope was in the way so after what seemed forever i threw net down dropped rod grabed anchor rope with 1 hand and trace with other and hauled bothe anchor and fish aboard. Now that was interesting to say the least. But fun none the less as i finally got my first legal kingy!! yahoo.gif


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