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My Weekend...


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Good Evening Raiders,

Hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was not too bad...

Friday Night decided to try my luck fishing the rising tide in Balmain which I have never fished at night...

Got there around 7pm using Hawkesbury prawns using the new rod I have paired up with the Symetre.

Had 2 convincing runs on 2 separate occasions but no hook up but that is fishing I guess...

Anyhow stuck around till 12 as it was very quiet and relaxing and I spent quite a bit of time on the phone as the fishing was on the quiet side. at the end of the night did manage to catch a flounder and a whiting and some brown reef fish that spiked me while I was trying to get it off damn those things hurt.....

Not being completely satisfied I decided to have a crack at Narrabeen lakes saturday afternoon....

I got down there around 2pm with only bread and tried trapping for a while managed a few poddies not a great deal and one of the other fishos donated some prawns on his departure so I had a little play till around 7pm and managed about 20 bream biggest being just legal and a flattie just legal but very skinny so everything went back but I was happy to give my new rod a little run and I am loving it such a nice reel to use Id hate to think what the top end models are like as I am only using a Symetre 4000 which is overkill for what I was catching but needed to test it out none the less.....

As I am on my way home I get a call from my Teacher for a class I do on Sundays asking me to bring my beach rod with me and he will show me around his local and there's no twisting my arm for fishing I am there rain hail or shile :1fishing1:

Sunday class finished around 1pm and My teacher took me to his local beach and I watched In amazement how He caught sandworms from the Beach I never knew how big they can be he was ripping them out and some of them were 50cms Unbelievable

So I thought Yeah I can do that too and watched him for about 25 mins and asked If I could have a crack he laughed and agreed... I had no luck for about 30 mins so I gave the tools back to him and he continued on till we got around 20 as He wanted to fish tomorrow also so he stocked up a little...

Sorry for making this so long but I feel the need to tell the story....

Anyhow after a short lunch we headed off with the rods set up 3 rods 2 for him and one for me..

It was very quiet except for a sting ray which he caught and I left my rod and walked over to him for a little chat...

He asked me if I was getting bites as my rod was bent but not too much and the water was very rough so I didn't think much of it not long after that the water flattened out and then I knew something was on and I set the hook and fought the fish onto the surf not a huge fight but it gave me a little steam for a beach rod with 30 pound line on it anyway hahaha he only was using 12lb but the 30 lb is the only setup I have for beach for now... anyway I brought the fish in a Nice healthy beach bream 33cms I was quite happy 1st keeper fish for the weekend..... had a few more casts and decided to head home as I was feeling a little tired and My teacher caught a whiting just on legal size and decided to give it to me so I have given both the fish to my mum who will enjoy them for lunch tomorrow........ The END!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all had a great weekend and I have not made any of you fall asleep!!!!!!! :biggrin2:




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onya nath.sorry i couldnt make it friday night.when you sms'd me,we were just leaving chippo after a couple hrs of plastic tossing.if i didnt already hav plans to take the kids to kareoke[usually go every friday night at local club],i wouldv come with you.i didnt get to fish on the weekend,ended up getting food poisoning so was stuck at home.now im hangin for a fish.haha.

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