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Squid And Yakkas


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Hey guys was just womderimg if anyone would be willin to share some squiding and yakka spots in sydney harbour with me i normally launch from roseville so anywere around that area to would be great ! Private mesage me if shareing on here is a problem thanks guys happy fishing.

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mate yakkas are everywhere around structures, you will easily locate them in and around wharves, and along rocky shorelines with structure. Usually calm spots will hold plenty of yakkas... I've never fished Middle Harbour, but I read plenty of reports on people catching plenty of squid down at the Spit bridge. Squid will hang around anywhere which has weeds, rocky structure and sand. Also smaller squid tend to hang around the calmer waters, so look for somewhere close to the shoreline which has a break from the stronger ocean currents.

Can't give you any specific spots cuz I don't know any, other raiders should be able to lend you a hand here.

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G'day Joshagius,

The most consistent spot for Yakkas is Balmorral, in close to the island. Just berley up and off you go.

The Spit Bridge is a good spot for them on occasion and it's also a great squid spot but mostly at night using paternoster rigs with 1 or 2 jigs on droppers and a glow stick above them. The squid at the Spit Bridge are mostly Arrows with the odd Calamari thrown in.

There are heaps of squid spots but to start with, try any of the rocky shores from Dobroyd Head, around the bays in North Harbour and Manly, out to Quarantine. If you find broken ground with weed, sand and hard structure (rock or wharf pylons)... and the water is clear... you should find squid.

Cheers, Slinky

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squid i get from the wharfs around sydney yakkas also but yakkas are all over the place near structures i usually launch @ tunks park when fishing the harbour so i stop under the spit to grab my live bait then head off to my usuall spots

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Yakkas are pretty simple - burley up with some chook pellets or bread soaked in water they will generally turn up in a few minutes.

The squid are a bit different, can be found on any of the kelp beds around the foreshores of the harbour.

Try to have a few spots and if they are not at one move on to the next.

Try Middle head, obelisk bay, inside of Dobroyd point.

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