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Build Quality


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I have read articles a couple of years old now that have indicated there may have been some problems with the build quality of alloy boats built by Telwater, which makes Quintrex, Stacer and now Savage boats.

Does anyone know if there has been any improvement or resolution of this matter? Has the build quality improved in the last couple of years or are alloy boats from this manufacturer prone to cracking? Are they prone to cracking any more than any other alloy boat are were these stories caused by misuse and there are in fact no inherent strength issues with the boats.

The trend today with nearly everything is to pare the specifications to the bare minimum in order to keep costs down. Has this trend spread to the boat industry such that now cheaper and lower quality materials are being used in construction which may result in a more "fragile" boat?

Or was this whole issue just a beat-up and there was never a problem? Anybody got any inside knowledge?

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I have read articles a couple of years old now that have indicated there may have been some problems with the build quality of alloy boats built by Telwater, which makes Quintrex, Stacer and now Savage boats.

Does anyone know if there has been any improvement or resolution of this matter? Has the build quality improved in the last couple of years or are alloy boats from this manufacturer prone to cracking? Are they prone to cracking any more than any other alloy boat are were these stories caused by misuse and there are in fact no inherent strength issues with the boats.

The trend today with nearly everything is to pare the specifications to the bare minimum in order to keep costs down. Has this trend spread to the boat industry such that now cheaper and lower quality materials are being used in construction which may result in a more "fragile" boat?

Or was this whole issue just a beat-up and there was never a problem? Anybody got any inside knowledge?

Yeah, I have inside knowledge because I have been choosing to stock and sell Stacer boats for over 15 years and we do not see any more or less dramas with the boats made by Telwater than some other brands that come thru here and trust me there are brands that have heaps of problmes and i would nver consider buying them. If and when a problem happens, in our over 45 years of selling boats Telwater, are best in terms on getting it fixed and not ducking for cover. Ask yourself this, do you really think Telwater would dominate the alloy boat market as much as it does if they produced bad boats and with the GFC problems there are ALOT of smaller alloy builders going to the wall and I would rather own any of those brands you mentioned that other brands. Also with Stacers new EVO ADVANCE hull shape that i water tested in very/very rough conditions on the Gold Coast last week they have raised the bar again for rough water ride in alloy boats. The only way you are going to get a better riding alloy boat is pay ALOT more for a custom built boat and then back-up and resale may not be as good. Where as most consumers buy one boat every 5-10 years, I buy about 150 boats a year and if I thought what I choose to sell was not the best I would find another brand.

It gets back to the joys of the internet and some guy, whether telling the truth or not , going onto a forum and claiming all sorts of things and if you have been around boats long enough like we have you know there are two sides to every story and I would not believe all that you read because it is more like the tall poppy syndrome and easy for another brand to come on a site like this and claim to have a problem with a Telwater boat.

My suggestion to you is get a short list of brands YOU like and then go out and see them all and I would be more than happy to highlight why Stacer are the best and why I choose to sell them. Trust me I could ring up any brand tomorrow and start selling them if I thought they were better.



Edited by Huey @ Huett Marine
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Mate, I also heard all this stuff when I was looking to buy. There are heaps of guys who will dump on telwater at every opportunity. But I am a true believer that in every forum thread you read about 90% is crap, or just someone trying to justify their own purchase. Go out and have a look for yourself, thats what I did.

Ended up with a Stacer and havent been able to break it yet. Pull out the bungs at the ramp and nothing comes out.

For me its all about the deal, what you get for your money, I wanted a good boat at a good price and telwater fitted that need. If I was looking for the best boat possible at any price well perhaps it may not have been telwater.

But cracks in welds, I havent seen any.


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I second DDDave.

Anyone who has been on my stacer will know its a tough little rig. I dont back off full throttle going through wake off Rivieras, or out the heads i punch thru sea swell. (i know i sound like a hoon, but its good to test the joints).

If you have been reading my posts, i just replaced the floor, and checked all the welds no cracks whatsoever. Boats still in one piece and now 9 years old.

If you are looking to spend around the stacer/quintrex/ally craft range, these are good little rigs.

If you can afford more, go for the Stessl, Bar Crusher or noble boats.

Do your own homework, and dont let anyone else do it for you by reading their posts/comments.

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