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Hawkesbury Comes Good 23/3/10


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Hi Raiders,

Launched the boat at Brooklyn just on 7.00am not knowing what to expect. Got to the first spot and baited with chicken breast on 2 rods. It wasn't long before the first bream was caught. Put the rod out again and shortly the rod goes again - another bream. Just got it to the boat when my other rod was going so handed the rod and the bream to my dad and pulled in the second rod with another bream. Then as the sun was coming into view it went quiet. Got some pillies out and prawns while we waited. Soon we decided to pack up and move and just before my dad got his last rod in off it went with a good size bream. We kept moving and went and anchored at the second spot. This time in the current although the tide had slowed considerably. Put a yellowtail rod out and I also put out a whole pilchard on ganged hooks. Put a handline out with a prawn on it. It is a bit blurred from here as we started to pull bream, yellowtail, small tailor and flatties in the boat. I was continually retying hooks and putting light traces on my bream rod. All up we finished with

7 bream, 4 flatties, Fished for jew with squid and live yellowtail, but no runs. Also lost a large blue swimmer on the surface.

Got back to the ramp just before 1.00pm and a bloke at the ramp had caught approximately 30 bream, flatties, small jewies and a little reddy. I reckon he was fishing close or at flint & steel because of the reddy. It shows that if you go the right time you can still catch fish in the hawkesbury.

All up a very satisfying day.



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Good stuff breambo, glad to see that a trip to the Hawksbury paid dividends for you and your dad. :thumbup:

Dont ya just love it when the fishins so fast that eveything becomes a blurrrr!



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Good onya Pete, you obviously found a couple of hotspots and scored yourself a nice feed, as Smitty sas it's fun when rods are goin' off.

Congrats on your sesh with your Dad.. :thumbup:

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Hey Peter

Great hall mate and to the bloke that pulleed in the 30 odd fish at the ramp. The fishing could be as good as that and better if you stopped the continual droves of trawlers raping the system as they do. But good on you for finding the fish thats left.


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Great feed there!

Thanks guys for the feedback. The Hawkesbury seems to be one place that ( and I am sure that there are others) that you can spend a long time looking for fish and if you make mistakes you don't catch "em. I have found for most of my fishing on this great river It is best on the small tides and after the rain gives you a good chance of getting a feed.


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