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gday raiders, i have been on 1weeks holidays this week so I hit wisemans ferry this morning hoping to catch a few jew.

the area that i fish was alive with small tailor and undersized bream making fishing very difficult as the bait was getting smashed as soon as it hit the water - last week catfish this week small stuff! oh well at least they were a better species. I moved down up and out wide constantly to try and avoid the small pickers and eventually fished almost in the middle of the river to get some relief and even then I still managed to get some pickers although not as many. By this time it was almost midday and all I had done was feed the pickers to this point. When I finally got a little window of piece one of the rods baited with a full tailor fillet slowly started to bend and swim off and looked suspiciously like a large flattie I picked up the rod and stuck then.....POP like a piece of dental floss..grrr not happy jan! there must have been a small knick in the line that i just didnt see.

I rigged up again dropped out another fillet and about 10 mins later the rod buckled and this time I came up solid on a 70cm flathead! YEE HAA!

another 10 mins and another rod takes off with a full squid and a nice 55cm jew hits the deck. within 5mins the pickers found me again and that was all she wrote! After a very frustrating day I finally went home with a smile on the dial.




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Hi Pete,

That is a good size flattie to eat. I havent bothered with the jews much in MH and havent heard many reports of captures so instead have been happy to get amaongst the kings.

Thinking of taking my boat into the hawks soon for a jewie session.


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Well done on your PB flattie, Pete!! Congratulations! Glad you finally got the flattie & jew out from amongst the pickers!!!

Cheerio for now


Edited by Roberta
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I am about to revisit the area and as always, catfish are an issue. What do you do with them? Release or "smack and release" like we did in the 90's??


I use the smack and release method! i dont like killing anything unnesesarily but i have been spiked once and once bitten twice shy, these days I like them to be perfectly still when i remove the hook.


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