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The Mf40S Are King Again

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Hi raiders - I was fortunate enough to be able to spend Friday fishing rather than at work. With the weather prediction looking good Bassboy888 and I decided to give Woolooware Bay Oyster leases one last crack for surface feeding bream. We arrived in Woolooware Bay just after sunrise and commenced flicking pencils amongst the racks. We were immediately surprised by a number of solid strikes but unfortunately no hook ups. This trend continued for about half an hour and with the breeze starting to build up I eventually decided to admit that summer is over :( and switched to my trusty MF40. Bassboy888 persisted with his surface lures for more missed strikes.

On my third cast with the MF40 on to a sand flat adjacent to a oyster rack I was rewarded with a solid hook up and I captured a nice 42cm flattie.


Finally Bassboy888 admitted defeat and he switched to a SP flick bait. We peppered the sand flats and drop offs adjacent to the oyster racks to catch a mixture of bream and flatties.




At one stage Bassboy888 and I had a double hook up for what would be our best flatties for the day. Both of these fish fought hard and tested our individual netting skills. :1prop:




As I was de-hooking my flatties Bassboy888 decided to cast a small flick bait at some fleeing bait to be rewarded by this nice 31cm bream.


As the wind got stronger we decided to try Towra (it was protected from the SSW breeze) for no luck.....we got pestered by small squire :thumbdown:

By midday we decided the wind was getting too strong and moved back into the Georges River to see if the EPs were still in the vicinity of Lugarno. Unfortunately there was a jetskier racing around our EP hole :mad3: and we had to bide our time tossing SP onto a nearby sandflat, where Bassboy888 hooked this nice 50cm flattie.



After allowing the jetski to go, we tried for EPs for only one 25cm EP.....I reckon the commotion of the jetski repeatedly roaring through this area ensured that the EPs were not going to hang around in any sort of numbers. Unlike early this week it was a SP 3 inch flickbait that caught this EP.


We continued to fish for another couple of hours in the Lugarno and Como area with only small tailor for our efforts.

Overall, it was a fantastic way to spend a friday (certainly beats work) and I am looking forward to chasing more EPs and perhaps jewies in the middle and upper reaches of the Georges River over the coming months.


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Great work guys!

All i can find in the bay is bream and trevally i wouldnt mind a few more lizards here and there lol

I dusted off one of the old mf40's i had from a while ago and it worked well for me last weekend so im gettin more tomorrow :thumbup:

How close were you into towra? normally you can get away from the little reddies if your a few hundred metres off it

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Great work guys!

All i can find in the bay is bream and trevally i wouldnt mind a few more lizards here and there lol

I dusted off one of the old mf40's i had from a while ago and it worked well for me last weekend so im gettin more tomorrow :thumbup:

How close were you into towra? normally you can get away from the little reddies if your a few hundred metres off it

We drifted with the breeze (using the minn kota to control the drift) from about 100m (5ft deep) out to about 400m off Towra (9ft deep). The little reddies were sitting in 6 - 8ft of water. We were deliberately trying to mimick your style but were not sucessful. It may have been due to the runout tide.

All of our lizards are coming from Woolooware Bay, however last year we had great succes with the Lizards off Towra (mainly on the incoming tide in 5 - 8ft of water using SP across the sand banks between the weed banks).

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We drifted with the breeze (using the minn kota to control the drift) from about 100m (5ft deep) out to about 400m off Towra (9ft deep). The little reddies were sitting in 6 - 8ft of water. We were deliberately trying to mimick your style but were not sucessful. It may have been due to the runout tide.

All of our lizards are coming from Woolooware Bay, however last year we had great succes with the Lizards off Towra (mainly on the incoming tide in 5 - 8ft of water using SP across the sand banks between the weed banks).

Its normally ok on the run out if you start closer to the point and drift the way you did, the bigger fish seem to be closer in but i suppose its all got to do with the day. i think alot of the fish also push back off the refuge zone on the run out to get anything that gets dragged out of there in the tidal flow

I have had alot of success in even deeper water around 12ft which seems to also bring the trevally on

Anyways its a bit of food for thought when i take my old man out on sunday

Still you guys did have a cracker session!


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Great to hear you guys fishing well. The surface bite is definitely slowing down. I would have gone to Woolooware again this morning and then explore Towra a bit more but instead I'm sitting in my office trying to do some work!

Winds seem reasonable this weekend - would've be great to go out. I've also got a visit to the Caravan and Camping show on Sunday lined up. Can't go fishing all the time eh ...

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