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Painting My Tinny


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hi i am about to strip the old flaky paint off the outside of my tinny it is yellow on the inside what colour should i paint on the outside and how should i do it

any information would be great thanks :1prop:

Edited by hayden
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Hey mate,

I have painted the inside of my tinnie for reflective and heat purposes. I have not painted the outside as it is impossible to get a high quality finish with a brush. You really need to have it sprayed.

If that is all ok i would use 1 coat of prep coat and then apply two coats of a finish coat. For my interiour I used a brighside enamal however, this paint is not recomended for areas permanently submersed, so if you were painting your hull you would need to choose a different type. There are plenty to choos from, just do some research.

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Hey Mate

If you're stripping it right back to bare ali make sure you etch prime it as if you dont the paint will just start flaking off again in about6 months (happened to me)also make sure it is the correct etch as there are 2 types one for steel and one for ally

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Guest Aussie007
thank you for the information what is the best way to strip paint from the hull
my cousin stripped hes tinny about 6 months ago with a wire brush on a drill and grinder than painted the boat with paint from BIAS
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Hayden,I've just checked International's manual-the system for aluminium is prep by mechanical abrasion back to bare aluminium,then 1 coat of Etch primer,3-4 coats of Yachtprimer(which seems a lot,I wouldn't be that diligent),1-2 coats of Prekote,2-3 coats of Brightside.Unless you are going to keep it on a mooring,forget about antifouling.All this stuff is stocked or available from Bias.Get the International painting and product guide ,it has a ton of information including getting a good finish without spraying.HTH,


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