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Beware Of Agressive Snorklers At The Fads


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Hi there raiders.

With high hopes of getting into some good Dolphin Fish 2 of my fishing buddies and myself headed out before sunrise, went to our favourite live bait spot and soon had the livies filling the bait tank, mixed in amongst the yellowtial were bloody sweep :thumbdown: but they seamed to dissappear as the sun came up :thumbup: and the water was thick with livies, and could watch the rat kingies chasing them up as we hooked them, it was ashame no big Kings there!

Cruised on out to Botany Bay wide Fad only to find the stiff westerly blowing and already heaps of boats around, but not many on the Fad, soon found out why, No dolphins around, but we did give it a go for a while when the :ranting2: snorklers showed up, now I thought that they would go to a spot away from where all the boats were fishing but instead they just came up right behind us as we were drifting around the Fad, straight accross our lines pushed in front of us making us take evasive action to miss them, when I waved my arms at them in dispute of what they were doing one of the guys suited up in a military like wetsuit waved his "loaded" speargun in our direction in what can only be described as an agressive gesture/threat to us to back off!! at which point they deployed 2 guys into the water with divers flag attached to bouys and proceeded to swim around the Fad. These guys (6 of them) were in a boat similar to a black/grey police response boat with the rows of seats on an open deck, I tried to get the rego of the boat but NO registration numbers were displayed on the hull so unfortunately I could not report them, so beware when fishing at the Fads for these Cowboys who may just be willing to fire off a spear at you in what they think is their Fad to fish at and no-one elses!!! Maybe the water Police need to visit the Fads more often before someone gets hurt!! What is the Law about just pushing in front of fishing boats and dropping snorklers into the water forcing you to move the required distance away? surely those already there have right of way??

Anyway, had to leave the Fad and headed out further to a fish trap, my mate hooked onto a monster, was easy over a metre long as he came out of the water we thought that the trip out would be worth it, but alas his knot tieing abilities preceeded him and all he landed was a nice big swivel on the end of his line :05: Then went back in to trawl along the cliffs of Natioal Park and picked up half a dozen Bonito which were good fun and good Sushi! went down the coast further to our Flattie spot only to be smashed by Jackets, boy never seen anything like it in my life :thumbdown: could not even get to the bottom without loosing everything, straight through my 80lb braid and even the wire trace was no match for these buggers, but what was bizar was that they followed up the sinkers and swarmed under the boat, hundreds of the buggers, in the end they came to the surface attacking anything we put in the water and literally I could scoop them up 3 at a time :1yikes: with the net, it is hard to fathom just how many jackets must be around at the moment.

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Hi there raiders.

With high hopes of getting into some good Dolphin Fish 2 of my fishing buddies and myself headed out before sunrise, went to our favourite live bait spot and soon had the livies filling the bait tank, mixed in amongst the yellowtial were bloody sweep :thumbdown: but they seamed to dissappear as the sun came up :thumbup: and the water was thick with livies, and could watch the rat kingies chasing them up as we hooked them, it was ashame no big Kings there!

Cruised on out to Botany Bay wide Fad only to find the stiff westerly blowing and already heaps of boats around, but not many on the Fad, soon found out why, No dolphins around, but we did give it a go for a while when the :ranting2: snorklers showed up, now I thought that they would go to a spot away from where all the boats were fishing but instead they just came up right behind us as we were drifting around the Fad, straight accross our lines pushed in front of us making us take evasive action to miss them, when I waved my arms at them in dispute of what they were doing one of the guys suited up in a military like wetsuit waved his "loaded" speargun in our direction in what can only be described as an agressive gesture/threat to us to back off!! at which point they deployed 2 guys into the water with divers flag attached to bouys and proceeded to swim around the Fad. These guys (6 of them) were in a boat similar to a black/grey police response boat with the rows of seats on an open deck, I tried to get the rego of the boat but NO registration numbers were displayed on the hull so unfortunately I could not report them, so beware when fishing at the Fads for these Cowboys who may just be willing to fire off a spear at you in what they think is their Fad to fish at and no-one elses!!! Maybe the water Police need to visit the Fads more often before someone gets hurt!! What is the Law about just pushing in front of fishing boats and dropping snorklers into the water forcing you to move the required distance away? surely those already there have right of way??

Anyway, had to leave the Fad and headed out further to a fish trap, my mate hooked onto a monster, was easy over a metre long as he came out of the water we thought that the trip out would be worth it, but alas his knot tieing abilities preceeded him and all he landed was a nice big swivel on the end of his line :05: Then went back in to trawl along the cliffs of Natioal Park and picked up half a dozen Bonito which were good fun and good Sushi! went down the coast further to our Flattie spot only to be smashed by Jackets, boy never seen anything like it in my life :thumbdown: could not even get to the bottom without loosing everything, straight through my 80lb braid and even the wire trace was no match for these buggers, but what was bizar was that they followed up the sinkers and swarmed under the boat, hundreds of the buggers, in the end they came to the surface attacking anything we put in the water and literally I could scoop them up 3 at a time :1yikes: with the net, it is hard to fathom just how many jackets must be around at the moment.

I know the boat your talking about from lbg fishing and can confirm that they are in fact tools!

Without the spearguns they would be nothing!

Ok i'm going to stop now before i get really heated.

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Dont forget, spear guns are only good to about 10 metres or so, and they are attached to the gun itself via a rope.

I personally would have taken the risk from a shot, grabbed the spear and tied it to my tie point on the boat then drove off. Score your self a free spear gun or atleast ruin the gun and leave him spearless.

And there is no law that says you cant ring in via radio to the water police as you would a 000 call on land. If they are aiming lethal weapons at you and displaying anti-social behaviour you are well in your rights to report it and have them pulled up for it whether it be on the water or at the ramp when they come in.

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black boat no rego that sounds like the sas special forces based at middle head i know i few off these fellas and would highly recomend do'nt mess with them

these guyes are the australia eleat fighting forces i know they can be pushy but trust me give them all the room they need

cheers gary

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Hey Guys.

I know it gets the blood boiling, but I think everybody knows what to do with people like this.

No aggresive action, take notes and they will eventually hang themselves with enough reports and compliants.

Yerros if you know the guys, suggest a pm to offended persons.

They can then take it up with the local Senior Sargent, who will not be so kind to them irrelevent of being SAS or not. I suspect not.

Noted hohoho posts are generally not permitted so do not be surprised if the post is closed. Admins discretion always.

Cheers Guys, and just take notes not bullets!!!!!

Trapper Tom

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black boat no rego that sounds like the sas special forces based at middle head i know i few off these fellas and would highly recomend do'nt mess with them

these guyes are the australia eleat fighting forces i know they can be pushy but trust me give them all the room they need

cheers gary

No offence, but just because they have military training and could kick just about anyones arse, doesnt give them the right to be arrogant unsavoury characters. If they were involved in some kind of training excercise fair enough,

but if just having a social fish then they should respect the fellow fishos around them........ in my opinion anyway.

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Spear fishing is part of the SAS training? Hahaha. I have a brother inlaw high up in the SASR, ill ask him about it. Im pretty sure the SAS would have a black wetsuits not military looking ones. Probably just a bunch of tools wishing they were SAS.

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