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Tournament 1600 Mustang Out Wide


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Hi Raiders,

1st post for me as you can see is a Noob but quite important one to know. We're new to Boat fishing and was thinking/keen about going off shore, As title suggests the boat is a 16ft 90hp.

Will this be suitable to travel off shore to various Sydney FAD locations ?. If yes, (pending on conditions).. can anyone recommend a good weather forecast site for weather/water conditions offshore Sydney & what are the dangers we should look out for?. If a big fat NO! why?.

Thanks & appreciate all replies.


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i usually check seabreeze for sydney metro offshore and bom.gov.au, and foxtel weather channel.

i have seen boats at the FADS that are 16ft, but conditions were ideal.

Its one of those things, play it by ear and common sense, if its rough out there as your heading out, head back in,

and don't go out on windy days on that size boat.

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as stacer has posted, seabreeze and bom are the two main sites I've used for weather information.

I have been out there with a 16ft before but I had to ensure weather conditions were perfect (minimal wind and swell)

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