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Hawksbury 16/5/2010


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Gday raiders headed out yesterday with me old man and lil bergo. aiming to fish the outgoing tide for some flattys. put in at parsley bay at 830am aiming for the 930 high tide. We got a nice burley trail happening within 15-20 mins we were into the small tailor. About 2 hours after the high tide my old man picked up a beautiful 75cm flatty weighing 2.2kg. Followed by a 51cm flatty about 45mins later. Anyway the spot started to die down so we thought we would move tland try a completely different spot. First bait down got nailed by a solid 50cm tailor. Dan the pull hard cant wait to get one bigger. After 2 hours there that is all we got so we thought we would try somewhere else. Dropped down a few baits then BANG my old mans reel is screaming after a good fight we boat an awesome 60cm salmon weighing 2.5 kg. Stayed for a lil longer and left on the bottom of the tide. Poor lil bergo cant get a break. I have had my boat for 5 months and he comes on the boat every weekend and he hasnt caught a fish over 45cm. My old man has come 3 times and caught the 2 flattys and the fat salmon. I will add pics later. Cheers bergo

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well done mate you seem to have the hawks sussed out for big flattys

as for your brothers eforts it's carma for not helping make berly :074:

i think it's about time mick joined fishraider as he seems to be getting all the good fish :biggrin2:

see you in a week cheers gary with sore arms

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thanks harold. And gaz yeh i know mate how funny is it. I think he has got neils problem of not making sure bait presentation is good. but owell he will learn so enough lol.

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