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Snapper Sizes Cms To Kgs

short corner

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Just spent some time in NZ snapper fishing soft plastics.We released countless amounts of good snapper.We had no accurate scales on the boat and could not put true weights to our biggest fish before releasing.

We quickly measured our 3 biggest which went 91cms,88cms and 86cms.These lenghts were total lenghts from the fishes mouth to the tip of its tail (not fork of the tail) ,all of these 3 fish were healthy and well rounded.

Does anyone know how heavy these fish would weight in kgs or lbs.We are very sure they are all in the magical 20lb plus club but by how much???

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Just spent some time in NZ snapper fishing soft plastics.We released countless amounts of good snapper.We had no accurate scales on the boat and could not put true weights to our biggest fish before releasing.

We quickly measured our 3 biggest which went 91cms,88cms and 86cms.These lenghts were total lenghts from the fishes mouth to the tip of its tail (not fork of the tail) ,all of these 3 fish were healthy and well rounded.

Does anyone know how heavy these fish would weight in kgs or lbs.We are very sure they are all in the magical 20lb plus club but by how much???

i have one from VicTag and it is not all that far off the mark for vic and nsw fish not too sure about NZ fish but

anyway by my chart is has 91cm = 8.5kg (18.7lb) 88cm = 7.7kg (16.9lb) and 86cm = 7.2kg (15.87lb)

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got to remeber that this size chart is from vic and is more for our southeasten and east coast run of snapper

i belive that places like spencer gulf (arno bay) and places like nz the fish may be bigger

don't those nz snapper look funky without any humps on their heads

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Gumy buster is very close to the money in my opinion.

My best snapper of 91cm went roughly 8.5kg also. Mind you, it would also be very dependant on the condition of the fish. My girlfriend landed the biggest on that trip of 103cm and from memory that may have nudged 30lb.

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Short corner I would agree that they would be under 20lb generally but as stated you can get some very thick fish over there. I have done 3 trips to NZ fishing for snapper with soft plastics & our biggest to date is 23lb with numerous other 20lbers and plenty in the 15-20lb range. You cant beat it it is a great fishery... where abouts did you fish & who with?



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Short corner I would agree that they would be under 20lb generally but as stated you can get some very thick fish over there. I have done 3 trips to NZ fishing for snapper with soft plastics & our biggest to date is 23lb with numerous other 20lbers and plenty in the 15-20lb range. You cant beat it it is a great fishery... where abouts did you fish & who with?

:1yikes: Amazing, great fish of a life time.
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