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Narrabeen Beach Fishing


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Hey guys going for my first beach fish tomorrow afternoon down at mid narra beach. Going 2 or 3 hours before the high tide and was just wanting some advice on techniques and the best baits. Will be targeting primarily salmon and the odd bream but will have a heavier rod out hoping for a stray jew to. Any help will be appreciated.

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Hey guys going for my first beach fish tomorrow afternoon down at mid narra beach. Going 2 or 3 hours before the high tide and was just wanting some advice on techniques and the best baits. Will be targeting primarily salmon and the odd bream but will have a heavier rod out hoping for a stray jew to. Any help will be appreciated.

Hey mate, if you are targeting Salmon the best rig i think is a gang hook with pilchard as bait. If you want to put the time in grab some Poddy mullet in the lake.

There are a few gutters down there at the moment so make sure you get a nice deep one and you should catch a salmon.

If you are going for bream fish up towards the rocks.

If you are going for a jewie use a live mullet from the lake or get some fresh yackas or squid from pitt water.

Maybe you should try for a salmon or tailor and then send out a slab from one of those as a bait for a jewie.

Let us know how you go!


Edited by mushtaka
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Hey guys going for my first beach fish tomorrow afternoon down at mid narra beach. Going 2 or 3 hours before the high tide and was just wanting some advice on techniques and the best baits. Will be targeting primarily salmon and the odd bream but will have a heavier rod out hoping for a stray jew to. Any help will be appreciated.

Pattonoster rig with a gang hooked pilly on one and slimy mackeral strip on a 4/0 on the other. I use a star sinker at the bottom.Look for the deep gutters. I generally fish around Mctier St. and this rig covers all the bases for me, I've caught plenty of salmon, taylor, and some good flathead on this. I'm still waiting for that big jewy tho.

I will probably be there from 5ish 2mrw too...

Hope this helps


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Hey guys, ended up going north narra next to the lake entrance. Used ganged pillies and second cast got my biggest salmon that went 65cm. To casts later the old reel called it quits so I had to watch my mates fish. Seemed to be a bit around as the guy next to us pulled in 5 bream a tailor and a soapie. Will

probably head back this Friday with a new reel as it was a great night. Thanks for all ur help


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Cam, if you are looking at a new reel and intend to hit the beach more often, may I suggest you look at an Alvey around the 650 class. They are ideal reels to work the beaches and near on indestructable, of course this may mean looking at a new beach rod as well, but you should be able to pick up a wilson 12' surf rod for about 70 bucks. But IMHO the Alvey is the way to go off the beach, far easier to keep clean .

BTW I concur with Dave paternoster rig off the beach, although I use a snapper lead '6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other'


Edited by surf slugger
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Nice work Cam!!

I went down and met welsh Dave. He landed a nice bream too!!!! Must be a few on the beach at the moment! Did you get any weed up your end? Looks like there was a bit. The surf is big today so there should be some more gutters carved out!

How big was the soapie?


Hey guys, ended up going north narra next to the lake entrance. Used ganged pillies and second cast got my biggest salmon that went 65cm. To casts later the old reel called it quits so I had to watch my mates fish. Seemed to be a bit around as the guy next to us pulled in 5 bream a tailor and a soapie. Will

probably head back this Friday with a new reel as it was a great night. Thanks for all ur help


Edited by mushtaka
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Nice work Cam!!

I went down and met welsh Dave. He landed a nice bream too!!!! Must be a few on the beach at the moment! Did you get any weed up your end? Looks like there was a bit. The surf is big today so there should be some more gutters carved out!

How big was the soapie?


Glad you had a result at the lake entrance Cam. I ended up with a good Bream, 2 tailor and 2 throw back flatties. I lost 3 fish in all the kelp :ranting2: , there was loads of it infront of the surf club...Good to meet up with Mushtaka too :biggrin2:

Bit too wet for me tonight.


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Hey Cam,

I think we crossed paths last night as I was getting onto the beach.I was on my own walking to the spot you blokes finished fishing. Was that you that told me about the old fella and his catch? I would've been there earlier but couldn't get leave pass.

I didn't do as well as either you or welsh dave having only managed two little throwback bream.I've still got a sh@# load of learning to do.

Anyway good luck on friday night might see ya there.


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Hey Cam,

I think we crossed paths last night as I was getting onto the beach.I was on my own walking to the spot you blokes finished fishing. Was that you that told me about the old fella and his catch? I would've been there earlier but couldn't get leave pass.

I didn't do as well as either you or welsh dave having only managed two little throwback bream.I've still got a sh@# load of learning to do.

Anyway good luck on friday night might see ya there.


Hey tok I think it was my mates u saw who were walking behind me as I saw them talking to someone. Unlucky with the throw backs but at least it's something. Yer I've got a lot to learn to but am thoroughly enjoying just getting out there.

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