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Made My Day.


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I got home tonight from a really shitty Monday.

The day started with a flat battery. Late to the job. I won't bore you with the details but it was a LONG day.

Got home at 6.30pm after getting up at 5a.m.

My wife says to me " you've got a parcel & I think it's from Roberta".

I open up said envelope & am greeted with the most heartfelt & heart warming 'thankyou' card from Roberta.

Enclosed in the card is a bevy pencil in her fave colour.

So thankyou Roberta. After a really tough day you put a smile on my face & made me feel good about the world. :thumbup:

I will swing from the many trees that I cast into to save that lure!!! :biggrin2:

Cheers & thanks again.


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And that is one of the magic things about Fishraider. :biggrin2:

There are some fantastic people around our forums who are not only great fishos but also great friends.

Fishraiders who weren't friendly might start taking odds on how long it will be until the new bevy ends up permanently decorating one of the many Tweed trees... but I won't do that (2-1 on that it's less than a month!) :tease:

Glad you had a good end to your day, mate. Sounds like you had a Barry Crocker until you got your care package. It just goes to show how confident Roberta has become with throwing lures around racks that she's able to part with one... you only have to read a few of her posts to see how many fish she gets on her Bevy Pencils.

Go see if any of the Trevs are still hanging around (but try not to throw it in front of one of the 20kg models) :074:

Cheers, Slinky

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Hi Grant

My pleasure!! I am just soooo glad it brought a smile to the dial after such a grotty day!! :biggrin2: It was originally going to be a Sammy, but I could only find used ones!! I think the others are decorating Big Bream's Chins still! :074: Hey & don't forget, I knocked off one of your lures, kindly donated to the cause, too!! :1prop:

I hope you have fun chucking it at our piscatorial friends - maybe Try to Keep it away from JACKS tho!!! :wacko:

Did I ever show you my lure retriever?? Here is the business end - a giant treble with points & barb removed


It is attached to a 9ft extendable Golf Ball Retriever (with golfy bit removed) I just screwed it in & also put a bit of strong wire thru the whole setup & used shrinkwrap to 'tidy' it up & cover any sharp bits.


Every boat should have one!! It concertinas down to about 3ft. I take it with me in the yak always. It gets things from out of high trees, from

submerged trees & from submerged lease poles & any other crappy snaggy bits!!! WOrth its weight in gold!! :thumbup:




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Yet another example of the Fishraider spirit. Kudos to Roberta. Good to see something brightened an otherwise lousy day, Grant. Now you should be able to upgrade your PB's on the 2 "M's":






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