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How Heavy


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I have a 12 kg rod and was wondering other peoples opinion on what the heaviest line you would attempt to put. I would assume that 50lb braid shoul be fine but I would like to go as heavy as possible. My reel is definatly tough enough for 100lb but at the same time I don't want to snap my rod. Thanks Andrew

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It is a pfleuger contender lever drag overhead reel capable of up to 20kg. Fishing for kings with bait. I also assumed that seemingly I only set my drag at one third the breaking strain so 10kg drag would be on with 30kg line so 30kg line will only ever put 10kg strain on the rod. I could be wrong with this thought. Unsure. Thanks Andrew

Edited by cant catch any
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you can really go as heavy as you like, more importantly, its about balancing the reel with the rod... so if you got a 12kg rod then match it with a reel with drag capacity that is less than 12kg drag say... 7-10kg max drag. So even if you turn the drag up fairly high it wont break the rod.

Now you can then match the line with the reel. And thats up to you... it would depend on what your fishing, how much line you require to fit on spool, type of line etc....

Find a good balance between rod and reel and you are in the right direction and use common sense with the line.

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It is a pfleuger contender lever drag overhead reel capable of up to 20kg. Fishing for kings with bait. I also assumed that seemingly I only set my drag at one third the breaking strain so 10kg drag would be on with 30kg line so 30kg line will only ever put 10kg strain on the rod. I could be wrong with this thought. Unsure. Thanks Andrew

Your reel at 20kg max drag is way too heavy for the rod. Although it would easily handle 100lb braid, it would snap the rod once you turn the drag up too high.

You should get yourself a good quality graphite rod that is light and can handle heavy braid and high drag reels, the rod should be rated around 20kg-24kg ... maybe look at Shimano T-curve bluewater

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If I set the drag up with 10kg drag and use 80lb main line will that be ok? My main problem is not the weight of the fish it is the fish rubbing the line on reefs etc and breaking it off that way. That's why I want to put heavier line to stop losing tackle so easy. I am not catching any over a metre and if I do find out how and where to catch them it will definatly be time for an upgrade.

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If I set the drag up with 10kg drag and use 80lb main line will that be ok? My main problem is not the weight of the fish it is the fish rubbing the line on reefs etc and breaking it off that way. That's why I want to put heavier line to stop losing tackle so easy. I am not catching any over a metre and if I do find out how and where to catch them it will definatly be time for an upgrade.

running 80lb on that rod is pointless

if you are getting rubbed off on reefs use bigger leaders like some 100lb

you dont need super heavy gear to land kings we have landed kings on 8lb braid with 10lb leaders in 15mtrs of water around moorings

Edited by Framedtrash
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If I set the drag up with 10kg drag and use 80lb main line will that be ok? My main problem is not the weight of the fish it is the fish rubbing the line on reefs etc and breaking it off that way. That's why I want to put heavier line to stop losing tackle so easy. I am not catching any over a metre and if I do find out how and where to catch them it will definatly be time for an upgrade.

You could probably run 50lb to 100lb easily with the drag set at 10kg. The only thing is if you hook up to a hoodlum that starts peeling line off like no tomorrow... you get too easiliy tempted to turn up the drag which could potentially end up with a broken rod.

It just seems like the rod is not up to scratch with the reel.

To answer your original question: with a 12kg rod i would use 30-40lb line... with a 20kg drag reel i would use 50lb-100lb.... but not if it was matched with a 12kg rod, i would then use 30lb line and do what framedtrash suggested and put a strong leader on like Jinkai 80lb

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most rod ratings are made to suit the line class. ie limits 12kg rod to 4kg drag max (or 12kg line 1/3 breaking strain), based on effective working curve of the rod. to run 10kg drag you would be looking at least a 24kg rod. not saying you cant run 10kg on the 12kg rod, will just have to hold it below its working curve, ie rod pointed toward the fish at say below 8 o'clock.. running 10kg on a 12kg stick = snapped rod. That said some rods are more forgiving.

Go with the 30lb braid 80-100lb leader, 5kg drag and use use thumbs to slow it a little rather then wacking it to sunset.

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Hi There, I would suggest you get a rod capable of handling 50lb, as a rod that is rated to 12kg line does not mean it will handle 12kg drag, unless it is stated on the rod that is has a drag rating 12kg max Drag. Line rating and Drag rating is totally different stuff. I am not familiar with the pfleuger contender reel so I can’t comment on it. If you getting dusted it may be worth while looking at upgrade your rod to a rod that can exert more pull pulling and make the most of 50lb and 80lb line to stop the fish getting to the reef, as even If you go up to 80lb as soon as that line touches anything jaggered the line will go, as braid is strong but won’t handle abrasion. Where as with a strong rod you can put more hurt from the start and get it away from the danger zone, but some fish is just not stoppable and that is why we all keep coming back.

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most rod ratings are made to suit the line class. ie limits 12kg rod to 4kg drag max (or 12kg line 1/3 breaking strain), based on effective working curve of the rod.

good tip right there. I busted a 6' shimano cheapie rated 3-5kg using 6lb line - so right on the lower end of the scale. hit a snag and bent the rod double trying to get it off, 3rd time *pow* snapped clean in two. shouldn't have reefed it like that but it goes to show that flexing the rod is what kills it moreso than the drag.

there I was looking at the fibreglass shards that used to be 1 fishing rod thinking.... well at least i tied my knots well!! they must have held up almost all of the line strength because i bust knots all the time when pulling them tight on 6lb.

the $20 replacement rod now has 15lb line on it.. went a bit overboard but using it on the boat and don't want the big one to get away ;)

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I have 2 Silstar Crystal Blue 6-10Kg Rods, one with a Pflueger Illusion 7560 reel and the other with a Shimano 8000D both have 10Kg line (one has Tortue line one has Platypus super 100) both have 80Lb leaders at about one and half metres with 150gm jigs,,,, i have caught many Kinghys on them and have minimal bust offs (I never say never....i have been reefed quite a few times!)

I recon this set up is a top kinghy outfit.....somebody else may suggest better........comments welcome

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I recently fit my setup with 50LB braid (maybe overkill) and 80LB leader. Set the drag at 8kg and hooked it to the fridge in the garage and tested it. I was quite happy and am sure next time out it will pick up a big fish if I can hook one. All in all the 12kg rod and 12kg to 20kg reel set with 8kg drag will work good after my fridge/garage test (if you call it a legit test). Cheers Andrew.

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