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Hawkesbury River


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g'day raiders,

went out saturday afternoon to chase a couple of bream and flathead on metal vibes.

we put in at berowra waters and headed over to calabash bay, we started o aslow drift around the shallows and mangroves. With in no time I was hooked up to the first fish of the day, a little flathead, the next couple of casts produced nothing, so I changed my vibe to a bit heavier weight and brown colour, the second cast produced a solid hookup and didnt even have the chance to wind before this steam train of a fish busted me off in the mangroves :ranting2: I reckon it would of been a big blue nose bream.

next cast with the same vibe, i had another big hook up, this time I locked up the drag and the hooks pulled,

so all day I was having no luck watsoever. :05:

anyway it was good to get out of the house.

cheers luke.

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We used to have a lot of fun on small Jews, thumper Bream and the odd EP around the entrance of Joe Craft Creek. Berowra Creek is one of my favourite spots, I'm gonna hit it soon.

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Hey luke,

Too bad about the lost ones but at least you got out on the water. And what was the weather like down there.

the weather was good, but the water was a real dirty brown colour from all the rain but that didnt seem to fase the fish,we were also casting into a enterance to a little creek were a lot of freshwater was pouring into the river, I think all the fish wer waiting out the front of that waiting for all the stuff that will come out of the fresh water,

but overall it was a good day and the weather was fine.

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