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Who's Bringing Their Boat?

Catchin Jack

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I'll be bringing my boat down to the social that's for sure... I'll more than likely have five on board to give the new motor some quiet little up and down break in time too ...If you happen to be fishing CC bridge the night before Leo good luck mate.. if you happen to strike trevally schools around the first few southern pylons up near the top of the tide hang in there mate, can't go overnight myself at the moment and if the trevally are there it's more than likely going to be the same story with the jewfish coming in thru the deepwater on the Woolloware Bay side, hitting the early pylons and livening up the tailor and then going back over the bay with the run out tide I'd say..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hey Byron, Mercer and me will be doing the all nighter, gonna try your spot and a few in the rivers and maybe even a run out to the runways and hot water outlet, gonna be damn cold, goin to go get me a balaclava and new gloves today haha.

Cya Sunday mate, hopefully with plenty of fish.



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