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Dont Need An Excuse- Broken Bay Today


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G'Day all,

Well I was only going up tom my Mum's to collect the rest of my mullet and slimey mack she had kept for me, and I nedded no excuse to use this as an opportunity to go dangle a line @ my favourite beach.

With the Mrs taken the kids out I high tailed it up to Gosford and got to my destination (bait stop - Mum's) by 11am... after a chat about this'n'that I was away about 1:30 and on the sand by 2.

I decided to only take 1 slimey and 1 mullet on the sand with me today- so first cast I lobbed out a slimey fillet on snelled 6/0 out into the briney- after about 10minutes wait I was getting bites, then I was ON- a few minutes later I had a nice 39cm Bream at my feet and gee was I excited!

The best lookin Bream I have seen since I was a kid, and althought not the biggest was still a cracker.

Well, things went quiet for a while with a few missed strikes here and there until the low tide around 4pm (sunset), then I realized I was out of bait- after a quick run to the car I had more mullet and a single slimey defrosting in my bucket with the still live Bream...

my mate Dave was on way back from up Nth and he popped in for a short time and took a few happy snaps of the Bream as it was all I had @ the time

... Then it hotted up again-

I threaded more mullet fillets on the snelled rig and instantly I was on again- this time to a 44cm Taylor YIPPEE!!!

Nerst cast- again ON- another Taylor coming in around 48cm

Was down to last slab and I chucked it in close- a few nibbles and out come a 44cm Flattie

Sensational Day

Here are Dave's piccies of me & my ALL time LOVE (Bream)

my piccies will be uploaded when I can locate my USB cable for my phone, lol






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Sounds like you had yourself a good day good on you!!!!!

That is a Beautiful looking bream especially off the Beach and arnt they fun to bring in off the sand???

I hooked one around 35 off the beach a few months ago and for a second there thought I was onto a sambo.

and the tailor perfect eating size if you eat them fresh otherwise you have some top shelf jew bait there!!!!!



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well done anth,sounds like a top solo beach sesh mate.beaut looking bream,you;v been getting a few bigguns lately you lucky bugger.looking forward to meeting up on the weekend.josh might be coming too,so i might not need a lift,or we can meet at mine & go in 1 car???we'l see,talk soon.

cheers johnny. :beersmile::thumbup:

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Good work mate.

Breambos off the beach, great fun and having a bait dept at your mums place...priceless!

well done .....what a place to keep your bait up on the coast ......Well done

Yer, its cheaper for me to buy and store bait up CC then to buy and store it down here in Sydney...

Average 1kg of Mullet here is $9- per kg, up there its $3- per kg.

SO< if I buy 5kg mullet for $15- and spend $10- in fuel to get there as opposed to paying $45- here then I still save $15 or $20-...

Makes perfect sense to me considering my weekend fishing is always up Broken Bay anyway, I just bring the left overs home for mid-week outings locally on LCR or Parra River.

Was very surprised to get the Bream first cast, I was really chasing Taylor and Salmon... I got the Taylor but still no Sambo's... I suspect early mornigns might be better for them as opposed to late arvo/evenings.

Cheers for replies



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