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Geoff (64), The Iceman (46), Surf Slugger (53)

Ray R

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:1happybday::1happybday::1happybday: Raiders and a big Happy Birthday to old Geoff who's coming up to my place this morning to go out and get a chop and have a round table conference with Cungee George and Occy at the same time :biggrin2: and didn't even mentiom that his 64th Birthday is today...Good on you Geoff, we'll buy the tomato juice :thumbup: ...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thanks for the birthday wishes :biggrin2:

22nd august is a tournie down at Tuross Hodgey Probably will come down late saturday arvo 21st Still have to sort some accomodation I hear Lakeside caravan park is good

Pity I cant make the social as I will be at a rep netball carnival all day

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