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A Few Frogs

Bruce the Postie

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Took a mate from work out off Terrigal on Saturday,in what were great conditions for a bit of a drift around.

The plan was to pick up a few livies and maybe nail a King or two,but alas that plan turned to shyte when the only Yakkas we could catch were about 14in long.Oh well onto plan B,i've got a couple of spots that produce at this time of the year,so off we went to try our luck and hopefully steer clear of the BLOODY LEATHERJACKETS!!!! that have plagued me for too long to remember.

On our first drift helped along nicely by a gentle westerly breeze we picked up a couple of nice frogs,and things were going along swimmingly untill we hit the great yellow wall of BLOODY LEATHERJACKETS as soon as we hit the 40m mark.With our lesson learned we continued repeating the drift out from 33m to 39m, and barring the occasional bite of from the BLOODY LEATHERJACKETS ,a steady stream of tasty Flathead came over the side and into the esky.

On a side note,we must have seen over a dozen whales during the course of the day,and some of them were very close!!.Didn't get many pics of them as they seemed to be timing their run to co-incide with both of us being hooked up or just to busy staring a the size of them like slack jawed numbskulls.

Here's a couple of pics of my share. :beersmile:





(Having a bit of trouble finding the pics, will update asap,)



Edited by Bananaphobic
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That's a good "table full" of flathead Bruce! :thumbup: Some good size ones too.

Well done on finding a way to avoid the worst of the jackets. They are a real pain. :ranting2:

Seeing whales is always a bonus.



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Nice bag of flat things there, Bruce. Good to see that one of the Jackets didn't make it back to their home with some of your gear. I'd love to know from a marine scientist whether they're getting more prolific every year... certainly seems like it from reports :mad3: Maybe it's just a cyclic thing?

Cheers, Slinky

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That's a good "table full" of flathead Bruce! :thumbup: Some good size ones too.

Well done on finding a way to avoid the worst of the jackets. They are a real pain. :ranting2:

Seeing whales is always a bonus.



nice table of fish there

i thought it was another one of PeterS posts from seeing a round table covered in flathead

well done on a nice haul of fish

Thanks for your comments guys,

I knew someone would make a table shot comparison ,but isn't it funny,when the :wife:saw the the state of the cruddy old table,she was horrified and wanted to know why i didn't take the pics on the nice timber outdoor table.I'm sure you could imagine what would have happened if i had plonked a load of slimy fish on the good table and said"i'm just gonna take a couple of fish pics on the table" :074::074::074: .

Nice bag of flat things there, Bruce. Good to see that one of the Jackets didn't make it back to their home with some of your gear. I'd love to know from a marine scientist whether they're getting more prolific every year... certainly seems like it from reports :mad3: Maybe it's just a cyclic thing?

Cheers, Slinky

G'day Slinky,

Don't for a moment think we outsmarted the yellow peril completely,they still took a collection of my freshly made sinkers home with them :mad3: .

As far as the jackets being cyclic,i don't know,but i pine for those days of not so long ago when a jacket in the esky was considered to be somewhat of a rare bonus.


Bruce :beersmile:

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