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Avoca Rocks (Sorry A Bit Late Ray! :p)


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Hey guys, long time no post! Although i have been checking the website every now and again, i guess i've just been a little lazy and preoccupied with school work to post reports on my successful trips such as catching my biggest jew, my first rainbow trout on the fly, my PB Bream and heeeaaps more of random catches :D . Anyway, it was only after our session on avoca rocks the day before yesterday where i was inspired to post another report by our new friend and fellow raider Ray R.

We (my brother and i) arrived in Avoca on Tuesday morning when my brother drove us up there due to his newly obtained red P's. So we stopped off at our friends fantastic beach house, right on the beach for some breakfast and then we headed off towards the south end. We had come prepared this time (salting pilchards and collecting fresh bait) and eager to catch ourselves a salmon or two that appeared to be around recently and maybe have a go at some blackfish too. As we arrived at the rocks, there was hardly a soul in sight and the conditions were PERFECT, the swell was quite tiny. Without much fussing about we berleyed up, and set up our rods. We had a quick flick with some peeled prawns with a light weight and realised that our bait was getting demolished, and with in minutes we pull up our first pesky wrasse, which we caught alot of during the day. Meanwhile, i set up the big rod with a float and ganged hooks for a whole pilchard and chuck it out far in to the deep blue. We didn't seem to get much interest in the pilchards early on.

Then a familiar face of Ray showed up at the rocks (which we've seen there before) and my brother decided to have a chat to him about what's on and what's not, and he was assured that blackfish was the go and also that we had a good chance of a salmon or two. So my brother sets up our other big rod with a blackfish rig and heads out to the spot with Ray while i'm still keen on my salmon adventure. We fish for another hour or so with not much action either than Ray catching a 31cm blackfish (kindly donating it to our dinner fish account), an annoying eel and some little nibblers and busted off bigger fish which i'm guessing could have been bream or tailor.

When the sun starts to fade and go down, i chuck out another whole pilly on my float rig and hope for the best, and within minutes BAM! my float no where to be seen on the surface and rush to the rod and strike! I come up tight and this thing is MUCH bigger than those little wrasse we were catching before. Half way through the fight i give my brother a yell from the other side of the rocks to run over and give me a hand, and he comes over quickly with excitement on his face. The fish gave me a great fight, including some acrobatics, which straight away confirmed my suspicions of it being a nice salmon! It takes some decent plunges for the bottom, but i have my drag set pretty tight and with 25lb line, i don't he was going anywhere too soon. anyway, with the help of an on coming wave, the length of my 4.15m beach rod and some muscle power i manage to haul my pb salmon (61cm) out of the blue and on to the safety of the rocks! WOOOHOOOO! hugs all round!


We are ecstatic as we caught what we came for, and we take some decent snaps of the fish and put it out of its misery, then add it to our dinner account. With our confidence and hopes raised, we eagerly continued to fish. With me going for salmon and tailor and my bro still on the blackfish.

It wasn't too long until we were in again, and this time it was a weaker fish on the float in the form of a stinky pike. 20 minutes pass and i hear a yell from the other side of the rocks and i can see my brother struggling and fighting a nice fish, i was over joyed with excitement as it would be our first blackfish if we managed to land it and my excitement is rewarded as i see my brother haul up a nice 32cm blackie! With the Blackie in the bag we were very excited as we got everything that we were after.

all in all, it was a great trip which i have to give credit to my big bro! and we'll be heading up there sometime in the near future. We drove home with smiles on our faces, and we were rewarded with delicious seafood (to whoever thinks that salmon taste like crap, you obviously have never tried it SMOKED!)




tight lines,

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Great Report mate and sounds like a top day in a good part of the world ! A nice salmon you hauled in ! they sure do give you a work out. It thought my old beach rod was going to snap the first one i got


Alby :thumbup:

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Guest rzep

I'm having trouble uploading the rest of the photo's :s

If you need help with photos then you can send them through to me and I can help you. My email is rzep@netspace.net.au

Well done on a great session there. That was a well written report and I look forward to reading your next one :)

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If you need help with photos then you can send them through to me and I can help you. My email is rzep@netspace.net.au

Well done on a great session there. That was a well written report and I look forward to reading your next one :)

thanks alot mate, i'll send them through now! :D

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Top report, Tight Lines.

I agree with you about Aussie Salmon... out of the smoker they're absolutely delicious :thumbup:

Congrats on your PBs both at Avoca and the others you've been getting recently. Keep posting... they're great to read.

Cheers, Slinky

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