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The morning could not have been any better for a flick ,no wind, overcast skys and a nice little high tide just after sunrise had me a little bit excited :biggrin2:

Got down to boat the ramp at around 6.30 and the conditions looked fantastic, unloaded all the gear and noticed i was missing something...... THE BLOODY PADDLE!!!!! :ranting2: (what a knob)

Quickly got all the gear back in the car but i knew i had missed the high tide and my chances of fishing my fav little honey hole for Ep's were quickly shut down :thumbdown:

Ended up getting back on the water at 7.30am and went straight to Lugarno/Alfords point area and started fishing for Jews.

Managed 2 small Jew in the first 30mins and i was feeling good. :thumbup:

Kept on fishing the same area for another hour for one small flathead so decided to move to the moons and flick the shore with small blades and plastics, fished that area for around 2 hours for a big fat 0.

The wind had started to pick and was throwing the yak around so called it a day.

Ended up being a fairly tough day out there, only a few fish in nearly four hours but still happy to get the first Jew come aboard the Yak.



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Congratulations regarding the first jewie for your Kayak. I cannot quite see the lure in the mouth of the Jewie but I assume you were using a SP?

I hope to get out a couple of times next week to target Bream, EPs and Jewies. I note that you target EPs on the high tide, whereas I have had most success in the Lugarno area (including on Thursday) during the run out.

cheers Basscatcher :thumbup:

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The morning could not have been any better for a flick ,no wind, overcast skys and a nice little high tide just after sunrise had me a little bit excited :biggrin2:

Got down to boat the ramp at around 6.30 and the conditions looked fantastic, unloaded all the gear and noticed i was missing something...... THE BLOODY PADDLE!!!!! :ranting2: (what a knob)

Quickly got all the gear back in the car but i knew i had missed the high tide and my chances of fishing my fav little honey hole for Ep's were quickly shut down :thumbdown:

Ended up getting back on the water at 7.30am and went straight to Lugarno/Alfords point area and started fishing for Jews.

Managed 2 small Jew in the first 30mins and i was feeling good. :thumbup:

Kept on fishing the same area for another hour for one small flathead so decided to move to the moons and flick the shore with small blades and plastics, fished that area for around 2 hours for a big fat 0.

The wind had started to pick and was throwing the yak around so called it a day.

Ended up being a fairly tough day out there, only a few fish in nearly four hours but still happy to get the first Jew come aboard the Yak.



It looks to be a big tail for that size fish

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Congratulations regarding the first jewie for your Kayak. I cannot quite see the lure in the mouth of the Jewie but I assume you were using a SP?

I hope to get out a couple of times next week to target Bream, EPs and Jewies. I note that you target EPs on the high tide, whereas I have had most success in the Lugarno area (including on Thursday) during the run out.

cheers Basscatcher :thumbup:

Its a flickbait I think ,

Nice fish Bloopin , must be fun chasing jew in the yak , i have done 2 discs in my back so I don't go yakking anymore , but I did go about 4 years ago in the Lane cove and hooked a good jew [for the bream gear I was u,sing] about 6 kgs and due to inexperience and my general unko balance in the yak I tipped half way over during the battle , almost filling the yak up with water, then Igave the jew some slack in my struggle to get out [i was only in 2 foot of water luckily] and away she swum .

Yep theres nothing like paddling back in a 20kn wind during winter and then getting back into your car soaking wet . Yes it was a disaster , a full box of tissues job.


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Basscatcher- Drop us a message any day your planned to hit the river mate, work starts to slow up for me at this time of year so plenty of afternoons free.

I never fish that far down for Ep's and no sounder on the Yak yet so its a little tough going. At this stage im only trying to remember what areas i was fishing last year. Picnic point to Kelso i think ive got covered and they are all top of the tide spots.

The lure was a 110mm squidgy flickbait.

Bubba- Yeh mate its great fun out of the yak but its bloody testing on the back, lower back starts to get a bit sore after a few hours but i get out and walk around every now and then. When the XL model decides to latch on i dont know what i will do, those little guys today were towing me around!!!!


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some nice little jew there bloopin, still trying for my first. no complaints though, ive had a pretty good run with the EP lately

Mate that 39cm model of yours will keep you smiling for weeks :thumbup: Those larger ones go pretty good on the light gear!

Good luck on the Jew mate, stick at it and im sure you will get rewarded over the next few months.

Hopefully catch up with you guys on the water next week.


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Congrats Mick

Nice to meet you

We both got back to the ramp at the same time and had a good chat

I ended up with 1bream and 1 flattie to hit the decks

And pulled the hooks what felt like a big bream.

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Well done on getting onto a couple of jewfish in the yak Mick :thumbup: when you start getting into the jew up there I'm sure you'll have to find a way of balancing 30 kilo specimums on your lap so that you can least take their photos :biggrin2: ... Everytime I drive over Alford's Point Bridge at night during the week the area is completely deserted and looks very very fish looking to me..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Well done on getting onto a couple of jewfish in the yak Mick :thumbup: when you start getting into the jew up there I'm sure you'll have to find a way of balancing 30 kilo specimums on your lap so that you can least take their photos :biggrin2: ... Everytime I drive over Alford's Point Bridge at night during the week the area is completely deserted and looks very very fish looking to me..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

I know the feeling mate,i rubber neck all the time over that baby!!!

Squid session coming up very soon off cronulla then we can go give these stinky things a touch up of a night :biggrin2:

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Congratulationsthumbup.gif Mick on the 1st Jew in the yak. I had to laugh when I 1st read about the bloody paddle, sounds like something I would do05.gif

2 jews in the 1st 30 mins what a cracker of a start well done


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