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Double Surprise


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Set out this morning after seeing the Spaniards get up in the cup with plans of launching from Roseville and heading out through the heads.

Grand ideas but it wasn't much fun as it turned out. Took a long while to raise any baits but I finally managed a tank full of yakkas and headed out to the colours to see what whether there were any kings about. There were markings on the sounder but after two yakkas were stripped to skeletons by the dreaded leatherjackets and 3 huge chunders, I decided that the rough stuff just isn't for me (at least without the Kwells).

Spent an hour or two squidding for 1 southern then headed to the calmer and more familiar waters of Middle Harbour. The water was mirror like and I came across a huge school of slimies and yakkas. In 80 ft of water, vitually the entire column had fish showing. I sent down livies but there was nothing other than tailor near the bottom hunting the baitfish. Unfortunately the live squid was done over by the tailor. I stocked up on some beatiful bite sized slimies and tried set off for another spot where again the water was perfectly still.

The first slimie down came back with teeth marks all over it and the next one fell victim to the kingie in the picture (he went 70cm). He was put to sleep and not 3 minutes later I felt a good whack on the end of my light spin rod and a squeal of drag. Assuming it to be another kingie, I tightend the drag and prepared for the inevitable dive for the bottom. The fight didn't last long though and much to my surprise, my first ever soft plastic jew came to the surface. Not gigantic at 55cm but respectable enough, the lure was a Gulp 5" jerk shad in pumpkinseed colour with 1/4ounce jig head for those interested in that sort of thing.

All in all, a top winter day on the water.



Edited by humesy
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Hi Andrew,

Good effort for winter. Livies have been difficult to obtain the last few times i went out although that was a few weeks ago.

Heading out later this week with the kids for a fish and cruise around the harbour.

Mate every time i go to the colours the swell is horrible.


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That's a great double, mate, and a terrific way to salvage a trip. Like a lot of others posting here, I am still to nail a jewie on plastic. Hopefully this year will be the year. Time to terrorise Wagonga Inlet, methinks! :biggrin2:



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Thanks for all the replies.

I should add that the jewie on plastics was possibly 1000 casts in the making. Hopefully the next one will come along soon enough though. Its a great way to fish that hour before dark, when all is still and quiet. That particular combo (Gulp 5" jerkshad pumkinseed with 1/4 ounce jighead) has accounted for some great fish these holidays including a 65cm flattie and 35cm trevally.


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