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Full Moon Hoodoo?


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Went out with Paul (Scrubby) on saturday to try and nail some more harbour blackies. Started around 7.00am at Walsh Bay. Within about 20 minutes, I've got one in the bag while poor old Paul had managed to leave a hook in one fish, then pull out of another. Promising start. We went about another hour or so without looking like getting another fish then within about 0.5 of a second we're both on. 3 in the bag. Another hour or so and nothing so we decided to head to Hunters Hill to see if we can't find a few there. Fished about another 3 hours and only managed another 4 fish between us. We fished a total of 7-8 hours for only 7 fish and probably only had a dozen downs all day. I still had a morning leave pass for sunday but honestly, who in their right mind would be that keen, desperate or just plain STUPID to want to go through this again with the full moon still around???????

Anyway, arrived at Pyrmont early sunday morning :insane: put a bit of burley in and within about an hour had 4 nice fish in the bag. Didn't like the shade and cool conditions so I headed to another spot east of the bridge - protected and sunny!! Water was quite clear but a deep drop off so still thought I might be able to find a couple. Put some burley in and could make out blackies going through the burley. In the end, only fish for 2 hours as parking was $4.40 per hour, and ended up with another 12 and left them biting. 16 in the bag in about 3 hours so there goes the full moon theory out the window again. All released after a couple of pics.


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Nice going Rick!

You can bring that theory back if you want :biggrin2: I fished Clarkes Point on Monday for NIL - I could not even manage a down - i tried all the way along the wall at varying depths - spoke a another fisho that turned up and he said that they were there last week..aarrrgghh - that westerly was freezing though

Normally if I haven't got a fish in 2 hours I move to another spot but with the kids, it was too much effort - all in all I had a great time but the fish forgot to turn up


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