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Taree Prefish

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We headed off to Taree on Saturday morning to test our skills against the Manning river bream before the up coming ABT. Got up at 2am, picked my deckie up in Newcastle at 3am then off we went.

Had a pretty good run up the highway and we were on the water by 5.30am. We headed down stream with the first stop being some racks just opposite Croki. This was our first real time fishing the racks and we tried SP and HB for no result.

From there we tried a few wharves, rock shores and a few more racks for a couple of small flatties and one huge puffer fish. Where are the F$#@% bream. We headed down to Harrington and tried jigging the break wall for a couple of half hearted knocks but still no bloody bream. A change of plan was needed......

We decided to get out of the main river and try a few smaller back waters. We tried a few smaller creeks and even headed up in to a set of canals to try our luck there. We saw a few bream sitting under some pontoons but they didn’t want to play the game. A this stage mate had gone down to 4lb leader to try and tempt some of the pontoon fish.

By this time it was about 1pm and things were getting desperate. After some lunch we decided to hit the racks again. We found a rock bar that looked the goods (like so many places before it) and my deckie came up tight. We got a look at the fish early and it headed straight around the back of the bar. Ah that’s right 4lb leader Zzzzzzzzzzz...... pop But at least it was a bream.

Hit some racks further up and I managed to get a small bream then 1 that went 37cm and another that went 32cm. Looked at the watch it was around 3pm and time to start heading back.

Ended up getting home around 8pm absolutely knackered. Washed the boat down and fell asleep on the lounge by 9pm.

It was a tough days fishing and I can see why the Manning will be shared weight. Still undecided wether to fish the ABT or not. It’s a long way to go to doughnut.......

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It was a tough days fishing and I can see why the Manning will be shared weight. Still undecided wether to fish the ABT or not. It’s a long way to go to doughnut.......


.. you're not wrong Jethro, I had a couple of big Krispy Kremes last year on the Manning and needless to say I found it extremely tough and it was a long drive home. We reached the stage where we were 'wetting ourselves' over spotting a 28cm fish! "... sh*t, don't move it's legal!!!" :1yikes:;)

The only positive I can see, out of a comp' as tough as this one, is that it 'levels the playing field' a fair bit. You only have to get a small bag to be in with a shout.


p.s. my apologies, I should have said... thank you for the report Jethro, good read and I recognised most of the areas you described. :thumbup:

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We reached the stage where we were 'wetting ourselves' over spotting a 28cm fish! "... sh*t, don't move it's legal!!!" :1yikes:;)


I know the feeling. We were doing exactly the same thing with fish that may or may no have been 25cm.

One thing we did find is alot of the racks that we saw down river were very close together and I like the paint job on my boat to much to even try and go down the middle.

As the tide came up to the bottom of the racks there was one set that we could see and hear quite a few good bream on. The only problem was they were 2 or 3 racks over and to close together to get down the middle of. Very frustrating :ranting2: .

We did manage to get into a few racks, one of which had a few fish that were pretty keen on our BM's. At one stage I got snagged on the edge of a rack and I had 2, maybe just legal, fish come up underneath the lure and try and pick it off. Heart stopping stuff after the morning we had.

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Hang in there guys.

If the fishing is tough then time to get smarter eg local knowledge and play on there primeval instants, food and a good regular source of it.

This may well be stating the obvious Jethro

The mag Fishing NSW has a local report. Look up who writes that area report and give him a call making out you will be holidaying and looking for some local fishing spots advice. May be worth a call to some of the local tackle stores.

Are there any restaurants on the water up there, better still if they’re near any racks?

The restaurants often throw pellets and scraps in the water to attract the fish as part of the novelty for patrons eating at the restaurant, who get to see the bream feeding. At Port Macquarie I saw this and there were some dam big bream in the general area. Just like us they seem to appreciate an easy feed and regular food.

Are you allowed to burley or set up your fish-attracting device. A day or so before hand drop a wire basket near some racks loaded full of fish frames. This should help to hold some bream in the area you fish

Good luck Jethro and hope you come home with the blue ribbon

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That's a big NO-NO!

Burleying is cheating.

Sorry for my complete naievity, but is this said tongue in cheek?? I have no experience with this type of competition? How can burleying be considered cheating in this type of tournament, but totally accepted in Bluewater gamefishing tournaments... Seems to be two very conflicting ways of thinking...


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Sorry for my complete naievity, but is this said tongue in cheek?? I have no experience with this type of competition? How can burleying be considered cheating in this type of tournament, but totally accepted in Bluewater gamefishing tournaments... Seems to be two very conflicting ways of thinking...



The ABT comps are artificial baits (lure and fly) only. Bluewater game fishing and other esturay comps that allow bait would also allow burley. Just different rules for different comps.

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Martin - We kept an eye out for anything that we thought may attarct bream. The place looked like it should be crawling with fish. There was plenty of structure but the fish were few and far between.

I am pretty sure the Manning is Rec only (no pros) so there must be fish there its just a matter of finding them and then finding what they feed on. The Manning comp has always been a tough one to fish. Might have to try again in the next couple of weeks and think outside the square.......

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As I have grown up in Taree and fishing it nearly every second day of my later life i realise how tough it can be to fish, but you dont have to go towards the river mouth to find good bream. There are plenty of good spots up around Taree it self. Even though i havent fished it for 10 months you should look for a couple of gravel beds to try out :1naughty: .

Cheers Gaven. :1prop:

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Thats what we were thinking Bankso. I am hoping to get up there again in the next couple of weeks and try a few different tactics. We were thinking about not heading so far down river.

I would be interested to hear more about those gravel beds and any other spots that might be worth a try. A PM would be great if you don't want to put in on the boards :biggrin2:

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Looks like we are heading up there again on the weekend of the 28-29th to do a bit more exploring.

Anyone else intersted in heading up?? 2 or 3 boats can cover a lot more water than 1. We can pool our info and see if we can crack these Manning bream

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