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Night Fishing In Harbour


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Hey raiders,

Going out saturday late afternoon/night for a fish out of the boat launching at rosebay, which hasnt seen the water since february :thumbdown:

dont really go fishing at night so not sure if run in or run out tide is better?

Would i be targeting bream, flatties, jew?

Just acheing to get out there so anything will do :thumbup:

Cheers ill be sure to post the outcome

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Pretty quiet at the moment. Sand flats are holding flatties and they seem to like pillies and nippers. Bream are a little quiet and timid and are hanging around structure. Some school jew around and have come on at low tide change and disappeared quick. Only a small window. Some Yakkas are coming back in so I am sure they will follow. I would probably fish the spit bridge, Grotto point or shark Island (east side) with fillets of yakkas or butterflied yakkas for the jew with your drag loose and the rod in the holder for the jew and wait for one to pick it up and run and tighten the drag and strike.

Burleying the bottom with a bomb while anchored helps also as it will attract bream etc for you to catch while you wait for the jew (or not!) to turn up. This I find creates attention, brings in baitfish and the rest speaks for itself. Catch the yakkas before sunset and it will give you the best chance with fresh gun bait as they have been liking them over the dead squid but not the live and the yakkas are easier to catch. Also if you catch a small tailor get ready as they always seem to be caught just before I catch a jew. Caught a few now but not any of real substantial size but the few I have caught have all been in the same circumstances and around 65 to 70cm. Might get a few Port Jacksons as well for fun.

Good luck Andrew.

Edited by cant catch any
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Pretty quiet at the moment. Sand flats are holding flatties and they seem to like pillies and nippers. Bream are a little quiet and timid and are hanging around structure. Some school jew around and have come on at low tide change and disappeared quick. Only a small window. Some Yakkas are coming back in so I am sure they will follow. I would probably fish the spit bridge, Grotto point or shark Island (east side) with fillets of yakkas or butterflied yakkas for the jew with your drag loose and the rod in the holder for the jew and wait for one to pick it up and run and tighten the drag and strike.

Burleying the bottom with a bomb while anchored helps also as it will attract bream etc for you to catch while you wait for the jew (or not!) to turn up. This I find creates attention, brings in baitfish and the rest speaks for itself. Catch the yakkas before sunset and it will give you the best chance with fresh gun bait as they have been liking them over the dead squid but not the live and the yakkas are easier to catch. Also if you catch a small tailor get ready as they always seem to be caught just before I catch a jew. Caught a few now but not any of real substantial size but the few I have caught have all been in the same circumstances and around 65 to 70cm. Might get a few Port Jacksons as well for fun.

Good luck Andrew.

Andrew cheers for the advice, ill be sure to let you know how it goes. I will try for squid and yakkas got a spot that is usually promising and have never fished the spit, ill give it a go. Im usually at sow pigs, north head, shark island.


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