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Hi my name is Sean I work for the salvation army and I have started taking the residents from montrose mens home fishing at Mort bay dock . We have had some success we have got a Trevally some small snapper and some small bream and a leather jacket I need some tips to improve our strike rate to keep the boys interested we use green prawns and have tried squid also some cat food berley. Is there anything else I can try ?

Ps we don't have much money so any cheap ideas would be great.

Thxs Sean

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Hi Sean,

Iam from the mid north coast,a lot of local raiders will help you

out as they know what the conditions are and all the structures.

Next time mix your cat food with chicken pellets and a little fish oil,mate

the bream love cheese and a little bit of plastic spaghetti just above hook.

Good luck and look after them old blokes,another ten years I will probably

be one of them.

Cheers Rick.

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Mate in terms of the cheapies, try the good old hand lines. I have many and they are my specialty when it comes to wharf and jetty fishing. Try and grab a few, remember you can have 4 lines per person with a license. I usually go 2 weighted and 2 unweighted.

Best bait is always free. Well, not 100% free but I usually get servo prawns and use a tiny hook and light 4lb line to catch yakka. Yakka fillets, strips, or even whole are great bait. The leftovers also serve well as berley, especially when mushed together with some bread.

And by bread, I don't mean buy bread to throw away - just keep the crust / end bits you dont want, dry them out a little (or leave them in the fridge, they'd be ok for a couple weeks)

But please keep in mind that during winter it is always and always a test - when you get out there, try a few different things to try and entice a fish. But mate I went out last weekend and got nothing (except the yakka).

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