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Adelaide Will Be Scuttled Off Avoca Beach As Dive Site

Aqua Naut

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Hi Fishraiders. What are your views on this??? I think it's awesome :yahoo: however they definately should be sinking it South of Sydney off North Botany Bay Heads in 50mtrs of water out of the way of the shipping channel. This will turn the Bay of empty into the bay of plenty for sure!!! It will bring life back to the south!!! :thumbup:

This could change Fishing down here for ever :thumbup: Tight Lines hopefully :1fishing1:

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Makes no difference,2k's out.Terrigal,Avoca same same.Sooner they sink it the better.

thats it if it is clean what harm can it do ,and i have a mate that works in terrigal dive shop who will love the tourists it will bring to the coast,good for all those involved,let it be.............


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Why do they have to sink it?

Can't they keep it afloat and permanently anchor it to the seabed - use it as a GIANT FAD !

That way we CAN use it for fishing - let the DIVERS be told they can't approach....

Why are fishos seen as the bad guys that must be kept away...

Actually if the Greens get their way, they'll launch another injunction, to again prevent it from being sunk.....

apparently they were successful the first time....perhaps because they identified some nasty chemicals or perhaps the whole ship does not belong on the seabed....who knows.....


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They are yet to remove the additional lead based materials and cabling which was found to still be onboard with the secondary independant evaluation. Who knows how long that will take. I take a bit of a different view on this because I am a diver. Unlike a ship coming to grief as a result of accident/weather etc you will on occasion see divers and fishos sharing the site for their own purpose. With the government involvement in this project they would never allow use by both interested parties particularly from the serious entanglement issues that arrise from fishos using it. You can imagine the court cases now.

I personally cant wait for it to be dumped wherever it is. I already have some guys keen for me to run a wreck course for them as soon as its ready.

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they still have not worked out a e vac plan for when it all gose wrong and some diver ends up with the bends ,where is the nearest chamber ? how do they get them off the boat as there is no docking walf or ponton at the haven ,do they then get the rubber ducks from Avoca surf clubs to do the rescue ?.still a big can of worms to work thru yet .

PS I know its only a shallow dive ,with this 5000 dives they say they will get a year there is going to be trouble ,the local dive opreators will have to lift there game .

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they still have not worked out a e vac plan for when it all gose wrong and some diver ends up with the bends ,where is the nearest chamber ? how do they get them off the boat as there is no docking walf or ponton at the haven ,do they then get the rubber ducks from Avoca surf clubs to do the rescue ?.still a big can of worms to work thru yet .

PS I know its only a shallow dive ,with this 5000 dives they say they will get a year there is going to be trouble ,the local dive opreators will have to lift there game .

The evac plans will already be in place. Any dive operator that is currently running dives in the area will already have evac plans and risk assessments for their current sites. Its just a new site they will be going to. Diving on a wreck is no different from any other site as far as divers getting bent. If its going to happen it will whether you are on a wreck or in a swimming pool

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The evac plans will already be in place. Any dive operator that is currently running dives in the area will already have evac plans and risk assessments for their current sites. Its just a new site they will be going to. Diving on a wreck is no different from any other site as far as divers getting bent. If its going to happen it will whether you are on a wreck or in a swimming pool

there is no plan for patince tranfer from opean water to land at this stage that meets the OHS starands tranfer of spinal injury at this stage ,for risk mangement and all other OHS aspects there must be a docking fercilty . as moving spinal injury from a boat is the main hick up at this time , talks have been going on for a while now .there pushing for a better ponton ramp system for Terrigal Haven than just ramp ,this will realy up set the local fisherman if it happens ,it should be there now ,not put in for the dive operaters .

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It just seems unfair that one user group will get complete autonomy of use at the complete expense of the other user group. Surely this is discriminatory.

A wreck can be used by both groups but definately not simultaneoulsy as there is a significant conflict of interest.

How about the "Odd's-n-evens" system ?

If the date is an even number, one group can use it for that day.

If the date is an odd number, the other group can use it.

This system is used in europe to allow cars access into the city, based on number plates.

It ain't perfect but generally works. Surely this can work here. If the wrong group attempts to use the wreck, then a couple of boats radio in the rego number of the offending boat and a fine is issued...how hard is that....It's a win-win-win situation.

In any case, it will take many months for a wreck to accumulate marine growth and begin the food chain, meaning there will be nothing there to see or catch.

Put a bouy on the bow of the ship to act as a marker for it's position. Put a sign on the buoy depicting the rules and phone number to report renegade users.

It makes sense to me and everyone can have some joy...


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there is no plan for patince tranfer from opean water to land at this stage that meets the OHS starands tranfer of spinal injury at this stage ,for risk mangement and all other OHS aspects there must be a docking fercilty . as moving spinal injury from a boat is the main hick up at this time , talks have been going on for a while now .there pushing for a better ponton ramp system for Terrigal Haven than just ramp ,this will realy up set the local fisherman if it happens ,it should be there now ,not put in for the dive operaters .

By this are you implying the dive centres that currently provide guided dive services as well as courses in the area are currently doing so without the required emergency plans as required by their very strict professional liability insurance requirements.

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