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Mako's Inside Browns


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Hi Raiders, haven't posted for awhile. basically haven't had time to get out much. Left Rosebay at 8am and headed for 12 Mile to try and jig up some Kings, about 5 boats already there and a fair bit of current running making us use 300g plus jigs. Hard work with those buggers on, had a couple of hits and landed a nice Barracouta around 2ft long, perfect bait for what we were really after, Mako's. Interestingly only lost one Jig, good news as the jackets weren't there. Moved off to Browns trolling along the way for zero's. We were listening to the skeds of the Botony Bay comp that was running, and noticed everyone that was hooking up, was down south, everyone at Browns had zero's. Still we hadn't gone that far not to give it a go, so threw two baits over the side, one Bonito on a Tiagra 50/ 24kg T Curve and my Barracouta on my virgin TLD 50/ 24 Bluewater Ugly Stik. We cubed for three hours for nothing, kept hearing the same from all the other boats around us, we were drifting towards Sydney anyway, so we just stuck at it. Jamie's rod went off with a nice run, got him harnessed up and pulled the other rod half way in. After a few minutes it spat the bait, totally mauled the lttle tuna though. So I let my bait out again, balloon set above my double and 12ft of trace so about 20ft away from the bait. Within minutes it got hit, but very slowly. I let the fish swim with it for about 100ft, then struck as hard as i could nearly falling over in the process. Nothing.......it just kept swimming as if nothing had happened..what the??? set the drag to sunset and hit it again...nothing, just kept swimming real slow, then dropped the bait. Wound it back in to check the bait, and got hit by another shark we hadn't seen, hit that...nothing. Starting to wonder if I had a hook on my line at all. Let it out again, and got hit again, then Jamie's rod went off on the other side again oo-er!! his was alot closer in so I let mine just cruise off with my bait. Jamie had abit of a fight but lost it, starting to believe our luck had ran out. Beside us about 300m away was a 28 Bertram drifting also, which was getting dangerously close to my fish, so levered up the drag and set the hook on my fish which was bloody miles away by this point. It just kept going, full sunset and just ticking along, jesus! Never seen a 24kg rod bend that hard without something giving way. Clicked into high gear on the TLD and wound it back inch by inch, after about 30 mins came up along side the boat, but still deep, we had colour but couldn't get the size of it. Jamie had the gaff ready, but I said there was no way this thing was ready. Took one look at the boat and went for the abyss, nearly pulled me over the side, which i didn't fancy as we had several Mako's out the back in the slick.

After another 40 mins we had him topside, this was just the beginning of the foreboding mission ahead, Jeff got on the trace and Jamie on the gaff, I knew this shark was going to go nuts, they always do, sure enough it snapped the gaff in half, so we were just left with a wee little tinny special, believe it or not thats how we got in the boat, 140kg Mako with a toothpick. Had a couple of high fives and headed for home. Jeff was stepping around the Mako, which I said probably shouldn't do that, sure enough we hit a decent wave and the bugger sprang to life, scaring the bejesus out of us, never seen three fully grown men run so fast around a small boat.

All up an amazing day out on the water, fantastic fish and incredibly impressed with my Ugly Stik, use them for Marlin, and definately going to get more. Hope my pics come out alright, check out the girth of this fish, and the snapped gaff.

Cheers, Tobe

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Nice mako guys well done, just wondering what some of you guys think or the best way to quickly ( if there is a quickly )dispatch makos when you have tired them on the rod, we sunk the fly gaff into one on sat & he managed to chew the rope so we struggled to tail tie him but eventualy did, then dragged him behind the boat for a while, at one stage we had him beside the boat & i thought if only we had a good club, rite between the eyes would have been the way to go.

Im no expert so was just wondering what some of you more experienced guys do to kill the buggers if your taking them for eating as the one we got was about 120kgs & real good eating i must say, i think ill be looking for a good solid mallet or baseball bat to keep on the boat now :1yikes:

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Nice mako guys well done, just wondering what some of you guys think or the best way to quickly ( if there is a quickly )dispatch makos when you have tired them on the rod, we sunk the fly gaff into one on sat & he managed to chew the rope so we struggled to tail tie him but eventualy did, then dragged him behind the boat for a while, at one stage we had him beside the boat & i thought if only we had a good club, rite between the eyes would have been the way to go.

Im no expert so was just wondering what some of you more experienced guys do to kill the buggers if your taking them for eating as the one we got was about 120kgs & real good eating i must say, i think ill be looking for a good solid mallet or baseball bat to keep on the boat now :1yikes:

Hey mate,

Club would probably not do much to a big sucker like that, if under a meter you will probably crack the skull and kill it.. though, i have done it, had a collapsed skull, and the thing still wouldnt die.. I would be looking for a samurai sword, and right though the skull :)

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Nice mako guys well done, just wondering what some of you guys think or the best way to quickly ( if there is a quickly )dispatch makos when you have tired them on the rod, we sunk the fly gaff into one on sat & he managed to chew the rope so we struggled to tail tie him but eventualy did, then dragged him behind the boat for a while, at one stage we had him beside the boat & i thought if only we had a good club, rite between the eyes would have been the way to go.

Im no expert so was just wondering what some of you more experienced guys do to kill the buggers if your taking them for eating as the one we got was about 120kgs & real good eating i must say, i think ill be looking for a good solid mallet or baseball bat to keep on the boat now :1yikes:

Tail tieing it and dragging it is the best method I reckon, clubbing something that size is hard and dangerous to do, I put a knife through it head, that calmed it down no end, but remember, when you think its dead, its probably not, and you don't want a Mako of any size coming round inside your boat, its bloody frightening. Goodluck.


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