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Pfa Good Quality Service


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Just got off the phone with Nick from the Spare Parts Department of Pure Fishing Australia and I'm one very happy Fishraider!

I had called to rectify an issue I was having with the spare spool of my Abu Soron STX40, the drag felt sticky after spooling it up with some Fins and I just wanted to know if I should take it back to the retailer or send it directly. Nick was very surprised to hear that I wasn't completely satisfied and very generously (without my prompting) offered to send a completely new spool free of charge. :yahoo:

With service like this I will continue to buy PFA's products in the future with confidence. Nick I don't know if you read the forums but mate you're a bloody legend. :thumbup:



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Just got off the phone with Nick from the Spare Parts Department of Pure Fishing Australia and I'm one very happy Fishraider!

I had called to rectify an issue I was having with the spare spool of my Abu Soron STX40, the drag felt sticky after spooling it up with some Fins and I just wanted to know if I should take it back to the retailer or send it directly. Nick was very surprised to hear that I wasn't completely satisfied and very generously (without my prompting) offered to send a completely new spool free of charge. :yahoo:

With service like this I will continue to buy PFA's products in the future with confidence. Nick I don't know if you read the forums but mate you're a bloody legend. :thumbup:



Not sure if it matters if Nick reads the forums or not. Unless Pure Fishing is a sponsor of fishraider (which I don't think they are) then this post will be deleted as it's against site rules to write a plug for non-sponsors...

Edited by abecedarian
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Not sure if it matters if Nick reads the forums or not. Unless Pure Fishing is a sponsor of fishraider (which I don't think they are) then this post will be deleted as it's against site rules to write a plug for non-sponsors...

That'd be a shame. Of course the mods are free to delete as they please but it strikes me that the site sponsors most probably on-sell PFA gear anyway so it's in their best interests to have positive feedback about their suppliers.



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I don't think adam is breaking any site rule here as he is not promoting any shop. PFA is a supplier of abu garcia products, like daiwa aust is a supplier of daiwa products and shimano aust is a supplier of shimano products. one of the moderators here even recommended me to somebody from PFA for a service/repair of a reel. if i get good service, then i think there's nothig wrong to share that with other members. i would do the same if the service is bad. this is just my point of view, i might be wrong.



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Pure Fishing has been approached by myself in the past to be a site sponsor.

Unfortunatly my e-mail was ignored. :wacko:

They supply a range of products as do Shimano, Daiwa, Yamaha, BRP, etc, etc.

Hopefully they will read this post & realise the benefits of being a Fishraider sponsor.

I'm not going to delete or close this post.

Does anyone really believe that we can't mention a national supplier of fishing products if they are not a sponsor?!

Good service is good service & well done to them for providing it.



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Thanks for clarifying Grant, and certainly a wasted opportunity if they don't take it up.

Chris I would grease up the drag washers but I was lead to believe

a) That the Soron's have a "dry drag stack"

b.) That they require a special tool from Sweden to open the drag up

Being none too competent in matters mechanical I felt it was better to defer to the experts, and in this case at least I am certainly glad I did.



Edited by Stippy
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Thanks for clarifying Grant, and certainly a wasted opportunity if they don't take it up.

Chris I would grease up the drag washers but I was lead to believe

a) That the Soron's have a "dry drag stack"

b.) That they require a special tool from Sweden to open the drag up

Being none too competent in matters mechanical I felt it was better to defer to the experts, and in this case at least I am certainly glad I did.



Slinky will sort this out for you. :thumbup:

He has a soron & loves it to death.

I nailed an 8kg spaniard on it when I tricked him into handing it over to me! :yahoo:

He has pulled it apart & will be able to answer any questions you have.



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OK now for my 2 cents worth on this topic

This post went in at 3.29pm today and it is now 10pm

I want you all to go to google and type in spare parts department of pure fishing OR Nick Pure Fishing

Now see the potential for maximising your business on the internet and especially on fishraider !!!!!! In 6 hours it is 1st on that search on www. The google and other bots hardly ever leave this site because it is so active.

Sorry guys but we need to be very careful to make sure that we are not giving these businesses free advertising. Let then come and join our community :thumbup: and give something back to their customers.

I challenge Pure Fishing to send me some prizes for our social in a few weeks time in repayment for the excellent free plug that Stippy has provided


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Thanks for clarifying Grant, and certainly a wasted opportunity if they don't take it up.

Chris I would grease up the drag washers but I was lead to believe

a) That the Soron's have a "dry drag stack"

b.) That they require a special tool from Sweden to open the drag up

Being none too competent in matters mechanical I felt it was better to defer to the experts, and in this case at least I am certainly glad I did.



Hi Adam

Yes the stack is dry from the factory and works extremely well. The washers can be removed with a minor bit of tool fabrication.

If its not your thing really don't worry about it...just a play if you feel like it and its a mod with good results.

If you fancy doing it at any point drop me a pm and I'll guide you through it.



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If saying pure fishing got deleted then so would shimano, diawa etc as they are all suppliers/distributors of fishing gear, they do not sell to the public.

I own 3 Soron reels and have them spooled with braid and not one yet has let me down, great reel.



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Thanks for clarifying Grant, and certainly a wasted opportunity if they don't take it up.

Chris I would grease up the drag washers but I was lead to believe

a) That the Soron's have a "dry drag stack"

b.) That they require a special tool from Sweden to open the drag up

Being none too competent in matters mechanical I felt it was better to defer to the experts, and in this case at least I am certainly glad I did.



Just saw this one.

- The drag stack in the Soron is carbon. It's supplied dry out of the factory but a coat of Cal's Drag Grease or Shimano TBM drag grease is fine and in my opinion, recommended. It will make a great drag even better and smoother but more importantly, help protect the drag washers from water intrusion. My STX 20 got this treatment on both spools before it hit the water.

- The drag can be opened up without any tools from Sweden. They do have a drag seal that needs removing, above the drag stack. I removed mine easily using circlip pliers. If you're worried about it, leave it to the PF guys. Here's some really rough quick pics I just took with my phone to hopefully show what I mean...

post-6175-064116400 1285127765_thumb.jpg

post-6175-069469900 1285127766_thumb.jpg

post-6175-071886400 1285127767_thumb.jpg

And a word on mentioning distributors etc in posts. The main intent in controlling any discussion of brands, companies and so-on is to both protect our sponsors and to ensure that we don't get people plugging product in our forums. I've seen forums where every other member seems to be from a tackle supplier and most of the posts are more advertising than information.

Fishraider also relies on the support of sponsors to keep the site running, so ultimately we also need to make sure as a site, we get value in return for any ongoing or special support of particular brands or businesses.

This means that any posts that might harm our sponsors will be modified or deleted. Fair restrained and reasonable discussion of other brands that provide all Fishraiders with useful information is ok but Admin and Moderators will always keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't start becoming a 'plug-fest'.

If in any doubt, just ask one of the team by PM and we'll let you know.

Cheers, Slinky

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Thanks for all the tips and pics everyone. Given the replacement is on its way I may have a go at opening it up myself as per Slinky's pics. I shall open another thread and post my findings if and when I do.

Thanks again,


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Maybe they would take you seriously if you called them rather than emailed.

Thanks for your comments.

Admin handles all contact with potential sponsors with professionalism and its a pity some people and companies dont do the same.

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