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Broken Bay 6/5

Big Bob

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Launched from Woy Woy Lions Park and headed to the Flathead Grounds.

Small swell 1/2 metre.

Dropped over some Pilchards and as soon as my sinker hit bottom picked off.

Repeated this for about 20 minutes.

Got serious and landed 3 nice size leatheries.

Not a Flattie in sight.

Leatherjackets in plague proportions and biting off everything I threw at them.

Back to East Reef for 3 pan size snapper,1 humungous Seargent Baker which was returned.

Also caught one of the biggest squid I have ever had the pleasure with its equally sized mate following it for the ride.

Returned same.

Altogether not a hugely successful day but got a feed.

Seems to be a lot of Snapper on the closer reefs at the moment.

Water was 21 C.



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Well done BOb, my attempt....

I fished this morning as well.

Started at west head to get a few baits, a couple of yakkas and a big slimy.

Slow trolled a couple deep around west head first up.... the big slimy took about 20 minutes to get cut off behind the head ( I gather a bonny or chopper???) I fish the reel on ratchet only, it only clicked 3-4 times!

Then pulled a couple of yakkas down to the basin, again another cut off behind the head, at least this one pulled a bit but no hook up. Had a couple of yakkas bit really bad with big bites on both sides (looked like the fish were having a go, grabbing the bait and lettting go when the ratchet came tight, even tried freespooling when they got hit to see if the fish came back but no good)

It seemed to flatten out a bit more so ducked out to the joey to try the same, had a big squid grab one of the baits in close, so pulled it up and netted it (it is already been eaten tonight).

So even though I turned a reel a couple of times no fish

Home by 11

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