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Hey guys,

I am going out in my newly restored boat for a squid session late tonight around south head, camp cove, lady jane.

I intend to keep moving until i find the squid but i have never really been successfull in the past.

Does anyone have any specific tips for any of these spots or other spots around here that might be firing late at night?

Also if i grab a few good squid before the sun starts to rise(kingy time), is there any spots around here that would be good on a run in time to soak a squid for a jewie? i prefer not to cross the heads so somewhere around rose bay or middle harbour would be good.

All private messages will be greatly appreciated and will not be shared with anyone. i have been fishing by boat for a while but i would like to start gaining some consistency.

Also are there any spots at the moment that are particularly firing at the moment for sunrise kings?

Cheers guys, thanks heaps for any help you can give me.

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u got the right spot, just be persistent, give plenty of time top quality jigs and meyb even hang a pilchard off a float aswell. its a large area so id say even 2 hours wouldnt be enough time to cover the whole of south head and down. If u do get some squid try the dropoff on the north side of shark island or wherever u sound bait around the pylons. Also try bald head (the east side) --> these r the only 2 places ive read bout. For kings the latest report says theyve been caught around rosebay but id work my way all along the coast up to south head from rosebay aswell. Gd luck! if u catch stuff make sure u post a report and if u know any extra spots id be happy to know. I must warn you that im quite open about spots etc and like to encourage sharing of info :)

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  • 2 months later...

I also felt the same. If you do not want to share the information Why some one else should share any information with you.

This is a place where we make good friends. And share information with each other. Help each other. And we should keep it up.

If some one has luck for fish he will catch it any where. If you are unlucky you will get nothing and boat next to you will bag out.

It does not harm sharing any information.

If any one shares information.

Next one will add more.

The Next one will correct some.

This is how every one learns.

This is the purpose of any Forums.

And we all should think how well we can make this website loaded with more and more information to be on the top. No doubt It is one of the beast Fishing Forums. And thanks to all the member’s who share any kind of information.



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Thanks fellas with the good oil on spots :thumbup: there are no secret spots in Sydney Harbour and every man/woman and child who fishes it regularly will have their favourite spots and the kingies move around all the time.

Keep the info flowing freely and we can all learn plenty.

Cheers Swordfisherman

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Hey there,

Punching down kingies to a specific spot is a hard task to do but if you head over to dobroyd or closer to the old mans hat i've had mates that have been successful there in decent consistency over the past few weeks... but i would highly reccomend taking a spin stick and some metal lures as the bonito have been thick as soup out there lately..

well i hope you do well matey and definately look forward to the report will give me something to do while i waste my working hours attempting to look busy :1prop:

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Im in the same boat as you david. I found it very hard to find squid in sydney harbour but my routine is lauch at rose bay chuck some jigs around there which i have caught little ones in the past near the ramp and now i find rose bay has a good source on yakkas that i can depend on. Next spot is the shore line of neilson park ive also caught a coulpe decent squid there ONCE but have been told from a pro thats a good spot. Lady jane is a spot that i caught smalls one b4. C. gardens is a spot i try and had abit of luck. Middle head down to balmarol bath has landed me a few. Camp cove has a big ZERO to its name but been told to try there too. But the problem is the consistency of catchin squid is hard and i cant depend on them not like the good old yakkas.

If any of the pro squidy are reading this, i got few question to ask. How deep can or should you go if you tryin for squid around the harbour?? Do you always work the shore line or mix it up and work the middle of the channel,holes or outside south/north head??

sorry to high jack the thread but i think these questions could help us both. :biggrin2:

Cant help u with kings as i jus downrig them outside the heads till i bump into a school.


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