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Great Barrier Reef....coral Sea 20-23Sep


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Hi all...

Recently arrived back home from a fantastic fishing trip to the barrier Reef... We flew from Sydney up to hamilton to meet our skipper for the 3 night/4 day trip out to the edge of the reef!.. 5 of us blokes plus 2 crew from a 42ft custom built vessel

A little bit of swell on the trip from Hammo out to our first stop, square reef (abt 3hrs from hammo) where we made it out for an arvo session.

And it was on from as soon as we dropped lines...A lolt of Redthroat emporer aka sweetlip.. small coral trout, assorted other reef fish and we were loving it. the beers were flowing from as soon as we jumped on board so good times were had my all. We pulled in quite a few sharks that first night also which put us off swimming for the rest of the trip. including a very decent hammerhead pulled up boatside on a handline

weather clear, wind barely there..and no swell inside the reef systems

next day after many more sweetlip and other keepers we trolled around the attol and picked up Salmon Mackeral by the tubful, no spaniards unfort but still good fish (and very tasty still also). Also had a friendly visit from the waterpolice/fisheries and maritime board...good to see when u 150km out that they are keeping an eye on things...boat got the once over.,.very thorough job..fish checked for legality and skipper was questioned by the blokes...all passed with flying colours, but good to know when u far from home they both they are doing thier job, and your vessel/captain is shipshape

a few hours travelling further east we made it to Bugatti reef, or next stop. Basically as soon as we dropped the fishing was on. Uncountable keeper redthroat, we caught our first coral trouts each for the trip, spangled empreror and the skipper and deckie each pulled in the first Red Emporer of the trip.. all solid fish. Smallish cobia, the ever presesnt sharks also made an apperance....some spectacular bust offs too by unkowns, Spuddo having 150m of 80lb braid stipped off by a freight train before being busted off...leaving a sore, bruised and shattered bloke behind.

day 3 and we began with a little troll to another cay/reef system...picked up a few very nice little longtail tuna..and the ever present salmon mackeral

settling down for another days reef fishing it was amazing.. Coral Trout, Emperor of all types, stripies, venus tusk fish...the skipper put us right on top of fish...every time.. was fantastic..nearly every drop would result in either a fish, being busted on reef...or something smashing u up.

such as one of these:

only issue we encountered on the trip was a very good lesson to myself....do not try and tighten a knot using your teeth...as u can see...the circle hook pinned me right where it should do...corner of the lip. managed to cut the eye off and push it through, now have a pierced lip that im not too proud of..and have been the butt of many friends, family and colleagues jokes since. let this be a warning to all!! haha all is good now..thks to the skipper was fixed on the night!

the final morning was highlighted by the fish of the trip a fantastic GT trolled up

before we slowly trolled homeward...more pics below but all in all a great trip...great skipper and a lot of fun(and beers) for the lads.



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Edited by kfresh
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