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Lake Burley Griffin


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Its DIFFERENT - they were 'catch, weight & release' (Spit)CARP! Some of their poles ar 18-20 ft long line attached to some sort of bungee cord at the top.

Slingshots to lob burley out around the float which is balance more finely than a luderick float.

Interesting to watch, but not my fishing scene.

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I don't know a lot about Coarse fishing but I read a fishing newspaper dedicated to the sport that Snapper pete posted back to me from the UK. It was very interesting & some of the rigs were amazing. I wouldn't mind having a go at it someday after all its all fishing :biggrin2:

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I thought it was illegal to release carp back into the waterway ???


As far as I know and understand, releasing carp is not illegal but I think most people would agree that it should be.

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just to let you all know it is illegal to throw carp back u can be fined for it


Well there you go.

I always thought it was only illegal to trans-locate carp.

None the less, I've always disposed of mine in a thoughtful way.

If it is illegal to throw them back, why are these fisho's throwing them back or am I missing something here. :1prop:

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Guest Jewel

On your bream gear carp are bloody good fun!!!

Used to get down to Canberra a bit for work and liked to brain a few between appointments!

Even carp should be dispatched cleanly, just bash em on the head, then toss em up the bank (just to make sure!!!!), the water rats take care of the carcasses pretty quickly!

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For John Q Citizen, releasing carp in the ACT is illegal UNLESS fishing in one of these comps. Sometime ago the organisers of one of the big comps threatened to hold it elsewhere so the ACT Govt caved in (visitors bring in money). :1prop:

Lake BG also holds Cod, Yellowbelly & Redfin, & the occasional trout. Govt releases Cod & Yellowbelly fingerlings each year in all ACT lakes. :1clap:

Carp do provide a lot of fun on light gear & I have been known to fish for them in winter when other species are quiet. Get a big one (10lb plus) on a flyrod and you get to see a lot of your backing. :wacko:

I know what I pay for my carbon fibre bream and fly rods so I shudder to think what a 20ft coarse pole would cost. :bump0ee:

Anyway, I am off to Lake BG again today with boat to see if I can find any non-carp species.

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there is good yellow belly and cod in there also lake ginninderra in the a.c.t

u r right about fun on light gear we were at the murrumbidgie last week chasing red fin for zip

so opened a can of corn kernalls and into the carp with bream gear caught about

60 or so up to 10lb had a blast so we did our bit to rid the waters of these vermon


regards geoff

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Lake Ginninderra has some awesome Yella's in it, I used to live on UC Campus which was on the shores of the lake and although I didn't do as much fishing as I would have like to back then ("other" things on my mind :1naughty: ) I would occasionally spin the shores.

Lake BG is turning into a bit of a top spot to try for Yella's and Cod. Lately it has featured in a few articles in Freshwater Fishing Magazine. When I lived in Canberra I never actually fished there, much to my detriment I suspect!

I do recall some big Trout also being taken early in BG's life but I suspect they are all dead.

In fact Canberra has some hidden little jems of waterways. Not only Lake BG and Ginninderra but there are some small lakes up at Gunghalin that are producing Yella's and Cod, the Tuggeranong Ponds are also a Carp Haven and who hasn't heard of the nearby Googong Reservoir, a real Native Hot Spot!



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Coarse fishing comps also get the same dispensation to release their river rabbits (carp) in NSW. We did a yarn about western Sydney comps about two weeks ago. I didn't know about the rule for comps either til then.

Hey Swoff I reckon you'd be bored sh*tless coarse fishing; sit on a high tech fishing chair ( :1prop: with cup holders rod holders intergrated umbrella, alarm clock to wake you up when you get a bite etc) watching a float or a line going into the water. About the exact opposite of active lure casting. Used to watch guys do it in some seriously suspect canals when I was living in London. And what fun breeding maggots for bait :wacko: . Cheers Bombie

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The gungahlin lakes are awesome for redfin and the odd yellowbelly, as are the other canberra lakes if you put the effort in. The rivers running into the canberra lakes and dams are also excellent. Over the summer i had had some great fun catching murray cod and golden perch in the murrumbidgee and molonglo rivers on small divers. These spots were much more productive than googong, burrinjuck or burley griffin. The highlight of the summer for me was a 4.2 kg cod caught on corn believe it or not while trying to rid the molonglo of a few carp.

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