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Mh King


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Hi Raiders,

Went out in todays horrible weather to finish the mission of getting my cousin his first king before he flys back

No early start, no livies and 2 shop bought squid.

Downrigged a mooring at Seaforth with a squid head, first pass hooked up with the dragged maxxed

- only after trophy fish :biggrin2:

It put quite a bend in the rod and a very short fight a fat 75cm king was landed.

Second pass, foul hooked on a old submerged mooring line or anchor and lost our 2nd head.

So we called it an early day and headed home in the rain for kingy and chips!

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and my PS ( personal smallest) catch yesterday - only slightly longer than the jig

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Did anyone else fish today?

No one else was out fishing on the water, just sail boats

We have all the spots (in the pouring rain) to ourselves


Edited by Burley King
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Well done mate - i thought about braving the weather as i knew there would be no one else out there... But i quickly thought against it.

You deserved that fish just for going out!

Now we just got to get you a decent one on the jig...

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Whats kingy like to eat? Never caught one myself

Bled, gutted and gilled then into a cold esky (not an ice slurry) straight away they are hard to beat eating wise

Maybe king george whiting, john dory or mahi mahi might beat it in my books

I skin, debone and cut all trace of the blood from the fillets so its pretty much sashimi grade

When you buy them from the markets, they have sat around for at least 24 hours with their

guts, blood and gills still in them. The guts turns the flesh a yellow colour around the belly and a lot of bacteria live in the gills all which effects the taste

I like to cook kings asian style -steamed or BBQ'd with corriander,lime,chilli & fish sauce dressing

or old style fish and chips - just fried up in Tandaco Fish coating mix with tartare sauce or Wasabi,Soy & Mayonaise dressing

If you leave the skin on and blood in the fillets it still tastes nice, but it does increase the fishy taste

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The little bits of red you can still see run all under the skin and long the pin bones and this is what is what you need to remove for the best taste.

With Salmon nearly the whole underskin has this red blood, and unlike Kings if you leave it in it makes the fish unpalatable.

Australian Salmon also taste nice treated the same way - we caught a Salmon on Saturday and had it for dinner

and the King on Sunday. I had the same people eat it both times and they loved both, although the king won hands down they certainly enjoyed the salmon, I did warn them before hand that they may vomit & choke on the salmon as they have a reputation as being the worst fish in the sea to eat

I dont know why everyone is so negative on Salmon - treated properly after capture and cooked properly they taste nice, I woudln't rank it in my top five fish to eat, but better than most fish from the Fish & Chip shop such as basa or hoki

Anyone that says otherwise maybe havent eaten it, or doesnt know how to cook it

Although if someone served me a salmon fillet skin on I'd have to be hungry or have lots of tartare sauce

I've eaten SeaBass in Italy, France and Egypt as the cooking shows always rave on about it and I made a point of ordering it- It tasted very much like Australian Salmon to me


Edited by Burley King
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Hi Raiders,

Went out in todays horrible weather to finish the mission of getting my cousin his first king before he flys back

No early start, no livies and 2 shop bought squid.

Downrigged a mooring at Seaforth with a squid head, first pass hooked up with the dragged maxxed

- only after trophy fish :biggrin2:

It put quite a bend in the rod and a very short fight a fat 75cm king was landed.

Second pass, foul hooked on a old submerged mooring line or anchor and lost our 2nd head.

So we called it an early day and headed home in the rain for kingy and chips!

post-2971-045889500 1287894253_thumb.jpg

and my PS ( personal smallest) catch yesterday - only slightly longer than the jig

post-2971-035372100 1287894276_thumb.jpg

Did anyone else fish today?

No one else was out fishing on the water, just sail boats

We have all the spots (in the pouring rain) to ourselves


well done

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