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South Coast


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Hi all

Thought I'd post a funny thing that happened to me last week fishing for snapper. Whilst fishing for some reds just near Batemans.I thought i had hooked on to a healthy fish when low and behold I caught two fish on the one line!!!! One snapper had eaten my bait and somehow the hook and bait past through its gill plate and another fish has grabbed it!. Not sure if this is a first but we were in stitches.

We ended up with 7 nice fish all around the 1.5 -3 kg mark. That same evening I also got snapped by something large that ate my $19 favourite squid jig! :ranting2: I managed three nice squid for a couple hours work and decided to call it a night.

The following night I decided to chase some salmon off the beach ( lake Tabourie)with a keen friend. We smashed them. I lost count how many Sambos we caught. But it was about 40 plus in about three hours all around the two kilo mark. We threw all of them back and even pulled out the bream gear for more fun. They all took half pillies and were very close to shore.

Before we called it a night and had to head back to the ball and chain. We decided to throw out some slabs of mullet that we had in case we caught that elusive Jew. Not much happened for the first hour but in the final hour we landed three Port Jackson, a banjo and a small shark that was either a bronze or school shark. We threw them all back..I was fished out for at least a week :thumbup:

But things look like they are getting better although the water was still cold.

Photos to come



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