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Harbour Frustration


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Been hitting the harbour regularly lately and on friday morning went out with Josh88. We hit a few squid spots for zip (am I the only one struggling the past few weeks) so mucked around the heads throwing lures at the countless bonnies and salmon on the surface which kept us entertained for a couple of hours. Dropped a few yakkas in MH hoping for a kingy once again no success.

Feeling unsatisfied on friday arvo decided to head back out again that night with a couple mates (non raiders) and at about 10pm last night was at the spit trying again for squid only managed 2 in about 3 hrs of trying. So went to sleep for a couple hours and tried AGAIN for squid for zip AGAIN. downrigged the squid we caught the previous evening around the spit for zero this morning.

Probably a pretty boring report for u raiders haha but if anyone has any suggestions about how to get my squidding mojo back i'd love to hear

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using good quality jigs helps the confidence. Try the coast from watsons down to rosebay. most the places i go there i either catch a few or see ink everywhere where ppl have obviously beat me 2 it. also at this time of year i would also try shallower areas with rocky ground where u can pick up alot of those small cuttlefish which r killer bait for kings. Good thing bout cuttlefish is sometimes its even easier to get them during the day especially at high tide, so ur not only limited to bait collection at night. Id try more into the harbour as last time i went 2 watsons i only managed a couple. also wudnt bother wen ifs windy at night... i rekon it puts the squid off, screws the movement of the jigs and most importantly its a tad miserable. Always good to find a sheltered spot :)

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I can share with you the disapointment of squiding. A fellow raider and i were out in the harbour at 1am friday till 7am and only got a fat cuttle and a tiny squid at the spit......and to let us down my live bait pump didnt work.... sums up the whole days fishing really.

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I was also there at the Spit last night for zip. Also struggled to find any yakkas this morning. Plenty of sweep around Balmoral, but not a yakka to be seen....

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