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Dear Horrible Weather

Catchin Jack

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Dear disgusting wind & rain,

Would you kindly #*+#* go away and get lost somehwere in the northern hemisphere as I would really like to go fishing.

Thank you.


I hear you. Bloody sick of this weather, driving me insane............... :ranting2:

Edited by DarkHorse
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Hey Leo I'm going down the beach at 5:00 this arvo, got some worms and hopefully convert them into some bream and whiting.

Weather is very second hand, I'll have the wind in my face, blue bottles around my feet and getting drenched in the rain.

Gee I love my fishing.. :yahoo:

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Dear disgusting wind & rain,

Would you kindly #*+#* go away and get lost somehwere in the northern hemisphere as I would really like to go fishing.

Thank you.

C'mon mate find a nice place out of the wind, a bit of rain never hurt anyone! :wacko:


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The weather is terrible and the estuaries look like chocolate milk :ranting2: , but I did get out today to try the Georges R for some hard won success. Staying out of the wind and trying to stay in touch with the lure was a real challenge but we persisted and were rewarded with 4 decent EPs, 2 legal bream and a couple of 35cm flatties....all released back into the chocolate milk :biggrin2:.

I hope tomorrow is better :wacko: .

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