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Roseville / Davidson Parking Permit


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Any info on where you can pick up one of the annual permits for this park? I know there is a notice down stating the places that stock them but if someone knows it will save me a trip down there tonight just to find out!

Thanks in advance.


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There is a service station about 1km from the roseville bridge that sells them over the counter. Its on the left as you are heading towards frenchs forest. There's a couple of servos on the left, cant remember which one exactly, but I think it's the second one on the left.


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There is a service station about 1km from the roseville bridge that sells them over the counter. Its on the left as you are heading towards frenchs forest. There's a couple of servos on the left, cant remember which one exactly, but I think it's the second one on the left.


So is that on the left if your travelling away from Roseville bridge i.e. up to Frenchs Forest? Does anyone know which one it is? I might just head down and ask around...

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Hey mate,

Yes its on the left as you are travelling away from the Roseville bridge towards Frenchs Forset.

It's a small independant petrol station (can't remember the name). There's two on the left. One has a boat always parked in the driveway - it's not that one.


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Hi James, you just reminded me to go and get a pass as well. I'm sick of trying to find change for the machine there. I have been there when a guy was having an argument:ranting2: with a ranger over getting a ticket stating that the machine would not accept his coins. He was told some other people had complained about the same thing and that he could write in and explain the circumstances, as his job was to issue infringement notices for vehicles not displaying a current pass. What a lot off b-ll-h-t.

Regards Jeff

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