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Fishing Rig To Avoid Rocks And Oysters.


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Hi All,

Im going out to the hawkesbury this weekend. Got a house on wobby beach. I stayed there last year and it was great fishing off the jetty and all, but i kept getting snagged on the bottom. The jetty pretty much sits on the edge of the channel, so as soon as i cast im almost in the middle. Problem is after i leave it there for about 10min and then wind in im snagged at the bottom. I use just use a standard sinker, swivel, trace (70cm), then hook. This there a technique or rig that i should use to avoid the rocks and the oysters all the way at the bottom?

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Have a look at the paternoster rig. It has a 3-way swivel with the sinker right at the bottom and the hook on a shorter line so it sits above the bottom. I have still found this will snag in some spots so I add a running float above the swivel. The float changes the angle of the line a bit so when you pull in, your tackle rises up first before coming towards you. Have found that to be pretty good but if you are fishing in a rocky area unfortunately you will continue to lose rigs from time to time.. nothing's perfect.

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