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How Do You Catch Gar Fish?

Big Berg

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Hi fellow raiders. I was wondering whether anyone can give me some tips on how to catch Gar Fish.

I have never really fished for Gar Fish before but I have been told that they are really good as live or dead bait. Can anyone also tell me where to catch them and what the best bait for them is. I usually fish Avoca, Sydney Harbour, Lillypilly and Port Kembla. Are there any Gar Fish there? I assume very light tackle is best.


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R u in a boat or landbased, boatwise, go at night burley up with bread mix and a few pillies, shine a torch on the water and look for the gars in the torchlight they will be on the surface then scoop them up in a net, easy.

Edited by finin
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R u in a boat or landbased, boatwise, go at night burley up with bread mix and a few pillies, shine a torch on the water and look for the gars in the torchlight they will be on the surface then scoop them up in a net, easy.

Sorry mate.

I will be land based


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