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Kingfish Cup


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Hi Raiders,

My wifes best friend and her husband are over from the Nashville so why the girls and the babies slept

in this morning I took him out for his first ever fishing trip and a shot at some big city kings.

We got to the ramp just before the rush and hit the harbour in the pre dawn.

As we passed under the Gladesville bridge, the overheat warning went off and it looked like they day would

end early. Luckily it was only a plastic bag - we let the motor cool off started it and ran it for 30secs at idle

the water pumping strongly and the alarm turned off so we were right to go.

We quickly got our livies and headed to our first mark.

As we made our first pass - we showed some fish on the sounder and two minutes into manning the rod

his onto his first kingy. After a short fight a 70cm king hits the deck, we take a couple of photos for the folks back home

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Score : USA 1 AUS 0

It went quiet for about fifteen minutes, so we swapped to squid. 2nd pass the rod goes off and instead of going for

the bottom the line heads for the surface, I call it for a salmon just before it gets airbourne

Score : USA 2 AUS 0

My turn, and time to even the score. As we make another pass with a yakka another Raider came alongside for a chat,

as we are talking about where the fish might be, the rod buckles over and the sneaky Yank runs around me, grabs the rod and is onto his 2nd king. Another one just over 70cm hits the deck.

Score : USA 3 AUS 0

Time to get serious - this time I make him steer while I wait to break my duck. Down goes a squid strip the drag is maxxed

and we await my trophy fish which I inform him should be hitting the deck shortly.

We pass over some big marks on the sounder and the rod buckles over - its a really big fish that powers to the bottom

with the drag screaming (the other fish didnt even make a sound on the drag) I have no chance in stopping it and wraps the trace on the bottom, we reverse the boat in vain but I can feel it hooked on the bottom. it cant break the 100lb trace

but i cant get it off what ever it wrapped around and the fish is still pulling hard. The trace breaks and I wind it back in.

Score : USA 3 AUS 0

Its 8.15 and were into extra time. We are suppose to be back home not later than nine to get ready to go out for Yum Cha

at 11am. Not wanting to face going out for a duck, i pick out the biggest yakka in the tank and rig him up. We went back to

where we hooked the big fish, and they were still showing on the sounder.

The yakka gets nailed and this fish is really pulling hard.

Although it was the best fight of the day - it was the smallest ( but fatest) of the three fish caught.

Score : USA 3 AUS 1

We headed back to the ramp - and spotted a seagull getting chased by a large king. We stop the boat and release its got a

large metal lure wrapped around its legs and was skipping it across the water as it was trying to fly. So we we grab the net and try to be Bondi Vet - But its more like Laurel And Hardy. After going around in circles for 10 minutes and missing the seagull everytime. It got so tired from is chasining it just gave up, and we were able to scoop it up. We untangled the linewhich was about 6 feet long and tangled around both legs. I cut it off (I cut the line and the lure sunk before i could grab the leader with my other hand - that woudl have been a bonus) and set it free - Thinking if he could have a point for a salmon, I can have one for a seagull.

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Final Score: USA 3 AUS 2

We were back home with the boat washed and packed away at 9.30. Just in time for screaming babies.....

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Lots of sashimi and Kingy and chips tonight :biggrin2:

It was a great morning on the water, perfect weather and lots of fun. By the amount of boats that went past us, I guessing

a lot of people where heading off to the Peak/12 mile after that bag limit report.

Would have loved to have headed out of the heads at first light - but our bosses gave us clear instructions to be home

at 9am...... :ranting2: it would have been great out there today

We am going to Nashville to visit them early next year, and he has already called his mate to arrange a Bass and Striper fishing charter


Edited by Burley King
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Good report and shame about losing the big king.

Good karma on helping the gull so I reckon next big king is in the bag.

The only bummer about the report was the score, I mean come on ya can't let the yanks beat us. Nah I bet your were just being a good host.

I worked today but managed a drive by of Roseville ramp and it was as packed as I have ever seen it, must of been hectic on the water.


Edited by zenman
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Hey Jason,

Well done on landing 3 keepers. I should have gotten up earlier to fish the run in with you guys. The ramp was packed, i had to park about 500m away by 7am!!!!

I went to longy and there were rats everywhere. Picked up an 81cm to finish off the day.


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great report mate and great fishing as well.....bottom bounced offshore today for a good mixed bag of about 20 fish but would swap them all for a few good kings..... couldnt get any yakkas this morning can i ask what general area you get yours? Well done again and happy fishing.......

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