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Mnc Marlin


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fishing sunday out at the shelf and jus past is

first it was out to some bait grounds to find it loaded up with slimies and horse size ones at that

a quick 20 or so in the bait tank saw us head off to the FAD to see if any rat dollies were home for our small fry to have some fun with

no joy and no current so signs early were not with us

we pushed out to the 70fath line before we put the rods and lures in for a swim and not more than 10mins after setting the last corner up the long rigger cracks and line comes screeming off with both me and the skip calling it for a marlin the way it hit but our keen eyed jrn cleared that up telling us he saw it and it was a dollie (good we wanted a feed anyway)

short little fight on 24kg gear saw us with a dollie boat side within 10min and the gaff was sunk in boating a nice doll of around 12kg

now the signs were looking up again

after a few more hours of trolling i saw what first looked like a small tuna nudgeing the shottie however that turned out to be the top of a marlin head

after takeing the lure so softly however it decided to turn the water 100m behind us into a frothing foam white wash thrashing and jumping and cart wheeling all over the place

after we cleared most of the deck the jrn asked if i wanted this one and i said 'Yeh why not'

being a wussied boy i climed into the chair but only useing the gimble base and no harness first up

after the marlin had sorted itself out with makeing the water into foam it then took off and off and off empting half the spool pretty quick like on 37kg gear

lucky for us it seemed to want to stay close the surface doing this so with some backing down and danceing from the skipper on the wheel we got back half of what it took before it tryed going down

once again we got up current from it and drove off bringing it back to the surface to try it all again

(hmm 30min in and now my arms could do with a break so i thought i better ask for a harness)

ok my arms had a small break and we were still at it, the marlin dows down we loop drive off around and dance some more

about 45mins in and he finaly get the double up almost there! UMMMM no the marlin does it again

we get the double up a ferther 5 time during the next 30min but the marlin is getting tired even more even thou it's head shakes are nice and stonge

after 1hr 35min we finaly get the double onto the reel and the wind-on within reach to finaly pull it up those last couple of meters and a nice clean tag shot before some pic time

funny enoght as we got it to the boat side it opened it's mouth and our came a green toadfish that must of just been eaten proveing that they will still eat once hooked

post-7043-041051100 1291004943_thumb.jpg

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Nah the MNC part of the heading stands for Mid North Coast (up off numbucca)

yeh it is not uncommon for marlin to eat the toads, it is belived the toads have a reaction on them like is getting tippsy

if that is true or no i just don't know but atleast is sounds good

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yeh thanks all

est estimated weight was 150kg-160kg with a rought short bill length of 250cm

shame i couldn't get some keys in the pic as the fish has been taken off the catch of the month comp

but with releasing it bringing it on board was not a option and i sure didn't like the feeling of hanging my keys over the side of the boat in 500fathom of water

the lure was a bule yellow and green macgoo that was run on a long shotgun

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yeh thanks all

est estimated weight was 150kg-160kg with a rought short bill length of 250cm

shame i couldn't get some keys in the pic as the fish has been taken off the catch of the month comp

but with releasing it bringing it on board was not a option and i sure didn't like the feeling of hanging my keys over the side of the boat in 500fathom of water

the lure was a bule yellow and green macgoo that was run on a long shotgun

Sorry gummy but we have to keep with the rules. If we allow one person then we have to allow everyone else.

It is a fish of a lifetime for you and a great report but there is no guarantee that it would have won FOTM.


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Sorry gummy but we have to keep with the rules. If we allow one person then we have to allow everyone else.

It is a fish of a lifetime for you and a great report but there is no guarantee that it would have won FOTM.


pretty sure i never said anything about winning FOTM

no biggie for me just expaining it to others that have asked

sorry if i upset anyone by this

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pretty sure i never said anything about winning FOTM

no biggie for me just expaining it to others that have asked

sorry if i upset anyone by this

I am upset that you didnt add keys to your picture as it was a worthy entry in our monthly comp.

I hope you can replicate your captures for next months comp.

Regards Admin.

P.S that is now in the past tense and this thread can continue on the capture itself.

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