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My New Combo :) Cant Wait To Use It

little G

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got this combo not long ago i bought rod and my uncle gave me the reel (he imports fishing gear)its a shimano catana rod and a pioneer reel

and any opinion welcome do u think 2lb braid and 4lb leader is good for bream??

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p.s. reel needs more backing

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got this combo not long ago i bought rod and my uncle gave me the reel (he imports fishing gear)its a shimano catana rod and a pioneer reel

and any opinion welcome do u think 2lb braid and 4lb leader is good for bream??

post-12546-050133200 1291361668_thumb.jpg

p.s. reel needs more backing

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i read from slinky's post that you shouldnt put too much backing.

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2lb Braid Sounds good for Bream I have been told go as light as possible when it comes to Bream,

But you will need to be patient as when bigger fish are hooked you will have to take your time with them as there is not allot of strength in that line!!!! I use 6lb as I feel its a good middle ground but good luck anyway!!!



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From the pic is does look like it could use a bit more backing but the way it's spooled it won't give you any problems. The issue with overfilling spools with braid is that it allows loose loops of line to fall off the spool during casting much more easily, creating a tangled casting knot. Every reel is a little different but leaving the line around 1-2mm shy of the spool rim is usually about right. It's easy enough to take a bit of line off if you overfill at first and have problems.

If you're not too experienced I'd probably start with 4lb braid. 2lb would be fine but doesn't give you much margin for error.

Cheers, Slinky

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thanks for the advice slinky, beginner and lure'n4bream i read the pm id reply but i forget how to find my inbox :S. ill probly go and buy some 4lb this weekend as i already have a soft plastics outfit with 6lb braid and put a bit more backing on my spool :)

thanks heaps little G

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